
I love Secret Identity and all, but I feel All-Star Superman is the best place to start.

Pagador de Promessas is a really good film, but I'm still amazed it was the one brazilian film to get that far. I would've thought that Glauber Rocha or Rogério Sganzerla would've been the ones to have reached that far, but no. Anselmo Duarte was a good director, but I have never seen him as the most representative of

But it's monthly.

Only two films have won both Best Picture and Palme D'Or: Marty and The Lost Weekend. The only other Palme winner that I think came pretty close was Apocalypse Now, although a few would be nominated for BP also, like Amour and Tree Of Life were recently, but Coppola was probably the only one that had a strong chance

And yeah, I agree. Marty is a fine film, but Rififi is just marvelous. I'm not even much of a Dassin fan, but that is one film I love to go back to every once and a while.

Malick has to be one of the most purely subjective directors to watch. Either you love him or you hate him. There's always some people in the middle ground, but not as much as there is people in the two extremes. He really is a filmmaker that comes down purely to matter of taste.

LOVE this idea for a feature. Cannes, like all film festivals, is very inconsistent in terms of winners, but so many great classics start there up to this day. I'm glad you're doing this, some very interesting debates are bound to happen, especially in the more polarizing winners.


They film it in New York actually.

Read All-Star Superman, please. Then, we talk.

Not missing on much. Especially the marvel films. Even though they also start with independent premises, they basically have similar beats and style, and I always feel that if you have seen one of them, you have seen them all, even The Avengers.

YES! I love blockbusters and action films, but the super-hero genre has been very neutered and bland since it became nothing but Nolan-esque films and Marvel making everything the same. Finally people are getting over the whole novelty of having super-heroes in films and judging the films by themselves, by their own

You forgot teenage-like nihilism. That's why Nolan's batman films did so well with them. "Oh, he's brooding and the film is all dark, how awesome!".

Yes, god forbid people who want something to have cinematic value tell like it is instead of judging by the fanboy double-standard that responds well to anything with fan-service and geek-bait twists.


Well, she couldn't possibly act in the show since she is still on Parenthood. So my guess is that  they'll cast someone else.

I agree with this, but I feel some of them are legitimately involved. Katy Perry for example, used to be songwriter for other artists. Ke$ha (who I'm not sure can be called a teen idol either) wrote songs for others as well. Taylor Swift does most of her stuff. Timberlake, when he was still big among teens, had two

Oh, to feel the warm

That moment where he gives the inspiring speech to all wings that didn't know how to fly, wow, I was moved!