
"First rule of Diaper Club: Do not talk about Diaper Club."

"Tell Freddie to take Rachel's glasses away…"

I'm surprised by how much I like this, but it might be because I love Robyn.

It's just party song, but it's so obvious will.I.am set out to do the most epic and quintessential party song ever, and deliberately took all of the most generic aspects of party songs, extrapolated them to the maximum, and made it sound HUGE, like a statement for dumb party puns. Also, it sucks.

They'll never do anything quite as fantastic as "Boombox" or "Threw It On the Ground".

That depends. Broadway musicals adaptations tend to annoy me to no end. Too stuffy, too corny.

I don't even OWN a Macklemore!

Holy shit, is Macklemore doing grunge rap?

The thing is though, this never stops, does it? Everyone always has an ulterior motive, and everything always spins into condescension or patronizing even unintentionally. So the guy makes the song, and some one projects their issues with the theme into the song's intentions, and then someone projects their view of

So what if Rubin and Sabbath aren't breaking new ground? What are people expecting, that they get synthesizers, DFA producers and start trying to be experimental? It's not gonna happen. Sometimes, not always, not frequently, but sometimes, I think the value of a straight-up, solid album with no gimmicks that play to

Yes, you can tell the production and the mixing are very present (not in a bad way) just by how carefully constructed it, but it still somehow sounds kinda raw.

I love Sabbath, I actually grew up listening to this stuff. I was much, much more of a rock fan when I was a kid, but eventually I got bored with the genre, and the people who acred deeply about some of the stuff I listened to, like Sabbath or Zeppelin, could be kind of jerks regarding some of my other interests, and

What annoys me mildly (not hate) about when a stupid song like Thrift Shop gets so much love, including from the "I don't listen to top 40 because I'm too good for that" people, it's that if you don't have fun with it (not even say it is bad), it becomes the thing people can't seem to grasp. That's the problem I think

Maybe "smug" would be a better word?

I'm so pissed that just typing his name leads to a page. God, do I hate… that guy.

I find it hard to hate them since they actually seem to be distancing from the whole boasting thing that hip-hop has become, and the intention (not execution) of that "Same Love" song is very admirable, since a mainstream hip-hop song about being gay becoming a minor hit (or simply existing, there probably aren't many

The Pumpkins' career after the 90's isn't exactly in the zeitgeist either…

I'd never thought I'd see the day the AV Club would out-hipster Pitchfork.

C+ is actually kinda way too harsh. I get that this is the sorta of thing AV Club doesn't usually like much, but I was surprised by how solid and crafted and, well, even fun this album is. Obviously it doesn't compare to Black Sabbath of the 70's, but so what? A good album is a good album, and I was surprised to enjoy

Should win: Breaking Bad
Will win: The Walking Dead or House Of Cards