
I find it the exact opposite, I think season one had more focus and wasn't so scattered. I don't think it got better, only more consistent. The highs from season one were still higher than anything in the other two seasons for me before "Rains of Castamere".

For Our Consideration: It's a nice day for a Red Wedding.

It never really gets better though. Before this last episode, I'd say the first season finale was the highlight of the show. I'd agree with the notion the show has become more consistent, because it had a rough few first episodes, and the first was kinda uneven, but it's pretty much the same thing all through. I'd

Yeah, As Long As You Love Me is their best song. Corny, but in a way that sorta earns the corny.

Catchy = pop song hooks that get stuck in your head = writing teams working to make pop song hooks that get stuck in your head

@avclub-b4238f7793ec8c1a632f14f2a1766c68:disqus Wrong. I have said that if piracy wasn't big now, it  would've been one of biggest all-time selling albums now.
And tell me how is quality anyway related to Alanis and Whitney among the best selling albums of all time…

I don't get it, I'm only talking about sales. It's quite clear that Adele is a sales phenomenon.

Je suis horny!

Won't somebody think of artists and music that don't need to promote that gays shouldn't get married and that all of them should be beaten and treated like shit to get sales and popularity.

Other stuff eraly 90's generation gave us: Collective Soul, Counting Crows, Hootie & The Blowfish, EMF's "Unbelievable" playing in every commercial, Silverchair, MC Hammer, Wilson Phillips, Dave Matthews Band, the freaking MACARENA, Billy Ray Cyrus, Crash Test Dummies and so many more…

I agree it was better, but by each subsequent album and singles Britney become the much more consistent popstar. Britney has the better producers and songwriters, so she was able to still have huge pop songs all throughout her career, while Christina's are usually a mess. I'd also argue Britney's best, "Blackout", is

Nothing will probably ever beat Rated R for me, but this really, really great.

Yes, truly a sin that people just don't conform to the endless praise for Mad Men. Why do people dare to differ from it with reasonably elaborated thoughts on the matter?

By the way, the pressure is on Trent to come up with an NIN comeback album that meets expectations and the incredibly high standards for albums this year. Nine Inch Nails is one of my favorite bands, but looking at the music coming out this year, I'm afraid the album will probably be underwhelming in comparison. I

Yeah, I'm surprised at how many of the year's best albums so far are artists at their most mature. After Bowie came back with that marvelous album, it seems all of the best albums are from people who were "supposed" to have peaked in the early-to-mid 00's, and yet it's been a fascinating year to see these artists show

Yeah, I agree. It's probably their best since Songs For The Deaf. It might not be the instant classic at the level of Rated R or Songs For The Deaf that I wanted it to be, but there are many moments where it comes close.

Yes, I hope for homophobes to break records all the time too.

Thank you for Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots and 4-Non Blondes!

Or how some people can be snobs calling what other snobs listen to as "worthless shit" to imply they are superior to them.

Taylor Swift has the kind of wide spread multi-genre appeal most artists can't manage to be, Gaga had the 99 cents for the album thing to get her to sell that much (she wouldn't have without), and Justin comes from this generation that used to be able to sell like this and the comeback hype was big and his loyal fans