
@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus It's not the kid, it's the writing that has gone awfully literal.


Too bad reviews seem not to be very supportive, I really wanted Miike to be a dark horse in competition. But I don't doubt I'm gonna like the film anyways, I'm much more in line with this kind of genre exercise than reviewers usually are.

Plus, walking out at a festival doesn't mean he'll never give the film another chance, just that at that moment he didn't feel like investing his time with it when he could be watching something more interesting that might be as hard (or harder) to watch later on, while the film he walked out on he might be able to

This really doesn't sound like a plot film, it really doesn't. It seems very character-oriented, so I don't see a problem talking about broad plot characteristics.

Exactly @avclub-359f449e012b58f30cbc80ea8b9e794a:disqus, but few are as quite a reasonable panda as you are.

@avclub-997c221538094d134659141cf61d51e3:disqus You're only helping my point.

I don't think there's a common thread in plot or general reaction, especially when every year it's a completely different jury. What does Amour have in common with Pulp Fiction? Or Barton Fink with Uncle Boonmee? Even in reaction, it's hard to point out. Tree of Life and Taxi Driver are/were divisive films that

@avclub-5d8773d363076bb7f4feaf912d970935:disqus Refn is not winning directing again this early, and Gray has never won anything and early rumors indicate the film is underwhelming.

I agree that D'Angelo is one of the best critics this site has ever had. I don't mind if he goes against the consensus among critics as along as he keeps elaborating on his ideas the way he does.

I think a directing win is in the realm of possibility. If not, Oscar Isaac for actor. I do think Palme won't happen, but it's the most likely if they do not go for Farhadi or Kore-eda there.

OR you could actually pay attention to the selection #beingabitchtoWashington

I really love the Coens, so I'm glad to see this film with such a strong reception. But also, I'm glad something has sorta Cannes more impredictable. It was becoming so expected, with what looked like an inevitable Farhadi or Kore-eda celebration, so I'm glad the Coens at least woke everyone up a bit and surprised.

I think he should seriously consider doing an article called MIKE ON MIIKE. Just like I always wanted Todd to do one that would be called TV ON TV.

I completely agree with your last line, but I'll never understand D'Angelo dislike for Fargo from an auteuristic standpoint. I can see why it wouldn't be among someone's favorite Coen, but it is among the most successful in being  a Coen film.

Well, he is in France, so he probably heard it put it like that all the time for the past few days. I don't think it was pretentious, just like a little joke.

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus ah, I don't worry about it. It happens.

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus That was just a joke, not an insult, chill.

Yes, we are. And I don't think the female lead in A Separation is like, say, maybe the villain in 50/50 (haven't seen 50/50, so I don't know). You may not like her actions, but I found her a great character precisely because I see emotional state and how she interacts and what she expects of her relationship in a way

@avclub-997c221538094d134659141cf61d51e3:disqus But a film that goes out of its way to make a character unlikeable is a film that lacks empathy for the characters. I believe characters can lack empathy for others, as it's done as a personality trait, or an attitude driven by certain objectives, or what may have you. I