
But her lack of empathy for someone else does not mean the film doesn't work empathy for her character. In fact, the simple fact people feel frustrated towards her attitude shows a strong empathic response, but one that still doesn't prove or make her less of a character, just shows you respond to certain

Oh, you don't get to be as big as Spielberg is without some self-awareness about what steps to take and your view on films (either your own or other filmmakers).

It does feel like the kind of premise that had it come from an american director would be considered manipulative.

I think there's some exaggeration as Kore-eda winning Palme. I know people think Spielberg is predictable and stuff, but precisely because it appeals so directly to his work in films with kids in some way is why I think he WON'T pick it. It just feels way too obvious, doesn't it? I still think it will be The Past,

I knew an otaku would pride themselves for doing it right and explain why once they saw this thread, I knew it!

Funny thing is, I think this is the only downright bad review Kore-eda has gotten that I have seen, although positive response has been all over the place, from raves to others that treat as merely ok. The way D'Angelo describes though it does sound rather simplistic.

I tried, but like, IT'S HARD and stuff.

I need to ask though: has "Holy Motors" with time become a solid A, or are you still in the fence and consider it A- material? I remember you weren't quite sure at the time, and I still don't know if you ever decided it was a solid D'Angelo A or not. Also, it would be interesting if someday you did something about the


Isn't it fun to pronounce the name BORGEN? I love the name BORGEN.

A little less filmmaking, a little more action please.

I have never heard, read or seen this reference before, NEVER!

I actually like his work as a director even more than as an actor (blame "Signal 30" for that), so this is good news. Not the material I'd expect he'd be handling for his first film, but it sounds interesting nonetheless.

Unlikely. They don't like directors that need complete creative control, and while Nolan has expressed interest in the past, so much of what he has done in Batman films and Inception has some kind of influence of Bond films, that I don't think he'd put a personal project on hold to tackle another franchise, especially

I wonder if Mustache Man is played by Handlebar Mustache Guy from Project Runway.

I didn't like Dolan's film, it felt hollow.

An A from Mike is an A… for love!

Wow, an A from Mike!

Nobody loves Golden Girls more than old gay men.

I thought it was a good idea to get introduce flash-forwards, my main problem with the show has always been the fifth season and it's heavy on mythology pandering to fans episodes. It become so bloated, I just couldn't stand the show. Season six has some of that two, but less.