
I think he means just the generic middle eastern bad guy stuff. Personally, I think it's the best Arnold action movie there is. It's just so insanely trashy and campy, with eyerolling one-liners. I freaking love it, and watch it at least once a year. It's the perfect summary of every 90s action flick.

No mention of him in Waterworld?? To go from the trashiest film on 1994 to the trashiest film of 1995 and be the best thing about both movies is quite an accomplishment.

That's a deep cut, Ryan

You're phol of crap.

I think it's on a DirecTV channel in the middle of all the home shopping networks. If you accidentally flip to it, you become trapped. In the home shopping network channels.

That depends. Did you also film it with the express purpose of selling the film to others so you can make money off of it? That might be a bad reason to throw a brother in a pool, instead of just playing around.

Well hey, at least CBS is making a new Star Trek show for subscribed streaming only that has been through so many delays in production even CBS employees say it's not good enough for the public channel. That's why you have to PAY for it, see? Because it's so bad, it's not even worth being free!

Here's hoping he had an exit plan instead of being tossed.

Yeah, I bought the album of bowie covers and one of his other albums shortly after seeing Life Aquatic for the first time. It's phenomenal.

Same here. I enjoy it so much more than Tenenbaums, which seems to be the reverse of everyone else. It was my fav until Grand Budapest came out. Life Aquatic is the best at bringing up the feels, but GBH is just so stinking beautiful.

"Resident Evil: Other Books from this Author"

Co me down on the panny sine, my brotha.

Life Aquatic is pretty largely panned, isn't it? But the music that goes with it (Portuguese covers of David Bowie songs on acoustic) is not really something everyone can jump on the hate bus for.

Followed by "Resident Evil: Index"

Fine, just one more film then. "Resident Evil: Epilogue"

I was hoping someone would mention the other show that did this, because I couldn't remember which one it was. Agreed, 30 Rock's was better. Community also did third cousins, but after the couple was already married.

That's Nick to a T

Just in time to distract myself from Trump's third term!

Don't worry, it will be available on google glass

The Russo Brothers already got dibs on Pudi during Winter Soldier though, didn't they?