
Stinky tofu in Taiwan smells like a sewer. They make it stewed, boiled, and grilled. Any which way about it it's just nasty.

Does IES Chang also eat
stinky tofu?
pig ear? (actually very tasty)
pork intestine dipped in salt?
cow tongue?
MaLa crockpot?
VNamese baby unhatched chickens?

Someday when you're on "Inside the Critic's Studio" with James Lipton…
he'll have to make up a new word to describe the brilliance that is your alligator paragraph above. With each new article I think you've hit your nadir, but you continually prove me wrong Rabin.

I take offense at the suggestion that we living here in Asia watch this crap in the theaters or on DVD. Don't you know we are masters of pirated videos? About US$1 apiece in China for a DVD-9. Here in Taiwan one person gets the pirated video from their friend who recently visited the mainland, uploads to some