
I believe you mean Snoopy Snoopy Poop Dogg. Show some respect.

I had envisioned a more handsome, less bro-ey Adam Carolla. I'm not usually so completely wrong about such things. Gotta go lie down now.

"History" was the first episode I ever saw, and it's still my favorite. As a result it's the one I generally show people I'm trying to indoctrinate into Home Movies viewership, but since it's not really representative of the show and pretty much impenetrable to someone who hasn't seen an episode before, it never works.

So like scrambled porn, but more annoying. Okay.

Every time I hear the beginning of "Stutter" I think it's going to be "Chupacabras" by SFA and I get really annoyed when it's not.

Yeah, I remember thinking, that guy made me want to fuck a Nazi. Give him an Oscar!

Christopher McDonald and Ralph Fiennes were so freaking handsome. Feelin' reeeeal old right now.

Eek, no. But I was there when Romy and Michele's High School Reunion came out, and the alumni organization was obsessed with finding interviews with Lisa Kudrow, even though on the rare occasion she did mention Vassar it was only in the context of Mira Sorvino having gone to Harvard and how Harvard was better.

Vassar is Vassar in the Spelling Bee episode. "Nonconform with me!"

Seriously? That was like my favorite Hodgman ever! Righteous indignation and horrible puns are my lifeblood, I guess.

This ain't your daddy's summer!

Ha ha, the last one is post-car bomb.

Well, from what I read about the show, the flashbulbs probably roused the rest of the audience from their play-induced slumbers. So there's that.

In which Margaret is bluffin' with her nothin'.

Nothing = the absence of a thing = vag.

Ben Folds
Rainn Wilson
Baratunde Thurston

Catherine O'Hara as Dierdre Friebus was my favorite part of Saturday morning as a tween.

The last time I saw Alec Baldwin onstage it was with his leading lady's understudy. The leading lady had recently quit the play, fearing for her safety, because Baldwin had put his fist through a wall backstage.

"…of the student council."

Oh my god, that Professor Blastoff. What a fucking twerp. But they're idiots for not doing a background check on him and finding out that he's got nothing but weird grudges and beanies to offer.