
We're talking about De La here….BUDDY.

All good points. Also, the style of MC-ing changed from the 80s into the 90s where doing Run DMC styled line swapping and tag teaming or whatever you want to call it fell out of fashion and tracks with multiple MCs would feature individual verses without interplay a la Wu Tang. I think this made "groups" less

William Hughes is to O'Neal as Michael Buble is to Sinatra.

If it had a penis how was I hatched out of an egg?

You know who would've identified with Barb? Not Harambe. He was a cool guy who loved to party.

Nothing against Rosa Salazar (who I've never heard of) but the titular role should really go to Beetlejuice era Winona Ryder.


It's more Solaris than Aliens, that's for sure.

Eh. It's sitting at 65 on Metacritic which is neither awful nor unfair. I've been enjoying my time with it as a relaxing distraction and at 15 or so hours in anticipate playing quite a bit more but at the same time I recognize the repetitive nature of the gameplay and can see how that would be a deal breaker for

I've never seen Castle Freak but I've heard some things about it. Is it true that a guy gets his ding-dong ripped off?

This Jack Ryan guy gets less handsome and charismatic every time he reincarnates.

The horrors of slavery would likely have been forgotten were it not for the efforts of Nate Parker. Much as the Holocaust was largely unknown even by historians until Roberto Benigni brought it to our attention.

Way more Dabney Coleman.

Yep, she went home with the Oscar gold but everyone knows Mark Ruffalo was the real MVP of 13 Going on 30.

Speaking as someone who has only seen 10 or so minutes of the twelve or so Fast and Furious movies made to date and only while a captive viewer at a barber shop I find your steadfast devotion and apparently heartfelt partisanship on this matter bizarre and humorous.

It is my sincere hope that this newly discovered/created Disqus "spoiler alerts" option is used ever and only to conceal the words "Frank Stallone."

Tits, Conspiracies, and Kickboxing: an Intimate Evening with Joe Rogen.


Who among us has not, at some point, gotten embarrassingly drunk at a child's birthday party and spoken from our hearts about Harambe?

Was that the Jonestown one? Man, that was lousy. It's disappointing when a promising young horror director flubs but it's even worse when Kevin Smith of all people covered much the same ground more effectively a few years earlier.