
Yeah, but Owen Wilson gets eaten by a fireplace in one of them. You can't tell me that doesn't deserve to be rewarded.

She now lives on a pot farm and doesn't have to shave her armpits so it all turned out fine for her in the end.

Yep he's another one whose legacy is unfairly retroactively soiled by latter day sins.

Might be that the youngsters are aware enough of adult contemporary Sting to (wrongly) assume that the Police aren't worth checking out.

I get that. Sort of like someone who has no reggae in their collection being more worthy of respect than someone who only has Bob Marley Legend.

Yeah that's one that you just kind of need to have in your collection. That side project/Milwaukee indie rock "supergroup" on the other hand? Probably not essential listening.

Well, you have to be the tenth or so most popular actor from a successful film franchise or else David Spade so the entry bar is not particularly high.

The AV Club turned into a scoldy, less articulate Slate so slowly that I didn't even notice!

Lousy Webster's!

This guy was even more nefarious and perverted than Don Dimello.

Based on his highly repetitive, Dickens paid by the word, stream of consciousness style I don't think revisions are really Nabin's thing.

As a young boy I was thrilled to "meet" Paulie's sex robot who was one of the celebrity guests at our local auto show. I've had a few more celebrity encounters in the intervening decades but none (including Sigourney Weaver huffily pushing past me at a hotel check-in line because she is more important than me) were

Nor would Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li have worked without Klein's character.

That's a great idea. As it stands when you land on a planet you pretty much know what you're getting as soon as you land. If they added multiple biomes to each there would be more incentive to explore a given planet.

Yes! I want to see a jungle planet that is overrun with vegetation or a Dagobah type swamp planet not just a sprinkling of trees here and there. More than bases or factions or any of that stuff I want to see a wider variety of biome types.

Ditto. I thought it was going to be a low-key game about traipsing around planets and looking at weird animals and landscapes and so far that suits me fine as a nice break from my ongoing Overwatch obsession. Seems like a lot of people are disappointed that the game isn't whatever it was in their imagination prior

If due attention is not paid to "Rico Suave" I will be very upset.

Was it Kevin Feige's call or was it decided in a coh-mit-tee?

Tom Thumb, Tom Cushman, or Tom Foolery/ Date women on TV with the help of Chuck Woolery.

Pretty sure the flaming hot crystal would be emerging from the tuchus instead of the head if that were the case.