
I was once in the unfortunate situation of being on a long trip with nothing but Fargo Rock City to read. I picked it up because I thought it would be a fun memoir of growing up in the Midwest in the 80s through a pop culture lens…something I could identify with. No. It was a shoddily argued 200 something page

Not to speak ill of the dead but he was a vile right-wing asshole who looked and behaved like The Penguin and had an ego that far outstripped his intellect and place in the culture. I had the unfortunate luck of encountering one of his former assistants at a social event. The poor lady was nearly broken in body and

Tread lightly. You don't want to summon Chuck Klosterman.

Magnificent work, Caroline Siede. You've earned your Pulitzer today.

Actually, he was the Candyman.

Fictional Illinois Nazis are less reprehensible than real Hollywood Nazis ergo Henry > Mel. I find your logic agreeable.

"Ripped from the headlines! Um…not really the headlines if we're being honest. More like a side item on sites for pop culture obsessives some of whom had to be reminded who Thomas Gibson is and were at first under the impression that he was the guy from that one Punisher movie and also The Mist."

Can we de-age Ed Harris by about forty years?

An old roomie of mine had a book called Tales of the Mos Eisley Cantina or something along those lines. It was all about Hammerhead and the space jazz band, et. al. and their adventures prior to our brief encounter with them in Star Wars. I tried reading it but quickly realized that, fan of the original trilogy

I'm enjoying it so far. The need for careful resource management gives the game a needed spark of urgency that would be lacking if you could just mosey around planets without a care in the world. Also, I found a hopping phallic worm thing and named it "Kangaweenis" so I'm pretty satisfied with my day one purchase.

The correct answer is Bat-Mite or, possibly, Calendar Man.


I think I could probably take Emo Phillips.

I guess he has some good cowboy movies and reactionary cop movies that still hold up mostly as cultural curiosities. He's ridiculously overrated as a director on account of his "Hollywood Icon" status though.

If only an earnest but down on his luck Henry Fonda type would come along to help me out with this chicken coop that needs painting in exchange for a hot meal…

No. Show ponies were his kryptonite.

On the contrary, whenever I'm feeling blue about the state of the world I think of the arrivals gate at Heathrow airport. For, you see, love.*stammers* Acutally. Is. All around.

A bunch of crappy strip malls surrounding an Epcot do not a metropolis make.

Not to pull the "expert boss" card but speaking as an American who has lived in and traveled extensively throughout the Chinese mainland I saw very little evidence that the populace was somehow brainwashed through pop media into thinking that "white men" be they American, European, or otherwise, are particularly

Well, he's very handsome even in his mid-50s. He has a laid back easy charm that works in the comedies and lighter stuff and is also able to pull out the gravitas convincingly when needed. Think of him as Hong Kong's version of George Clooney.