
Oh, I think they're both great but in different ways. Kind of like Alien/Aliens.

He's the key to all of this. He's a funnier character than we've ever had.

85 minutes of human characters debating how to stop Godzilla and 5-10 minutes of Godzilla is pretty much par for the course of the entire series from page one so I didn't see that as a problem with the 2014 film. I say this as someone who obviously loves the franchise even at its goofiest (see: avatar/username).

It could be worse. I bought a Colecovision at Gore Vidal's insistence. Lousy coastal elites and their inferior game systems.

I was browsing the "literary fiction" section of my local bookstore the other day and snickered to myself at how perfect a title The Arsonists Daughter is for a middle-brow novel.

Rockford couldn't stand his candy ass and he put up with Angel's bullshit for six seasons!

Yeah, I bought the remaster for PS4 hoping that if lots of people do they will be compelled to release a remaster/translation of 2 and 3 but who am I kidding? It's Sega and if Sega knows how to do anything it's mishandle beloved IPs.

Just started the Valkyria Chronicles remaster as well. Probably my favorite game of the last gen. so I'm looking forward to revisiting it.

There are many claimants to that throne.

I don't hate the guy or anything but it was fun seeing a pompous empty suit embarrassed so thoroughly by the sidekick of a late night comedian in a contest of general knowledge.

They'll never top the time that Andy Richter obliterated "serious newsman" Wolf Blitzer.

Black, midnight, eeeevil!

Better than whatever the hell Martin Freeman was doing in Captain America at any rate.

The Toots and the Maytals cover of Let Down is better than the original.

It might also be that Burt was doing studio mandated promo for Cop and 1/2 in which case it is perfectly understandable that he was a simmering cauldron of violence.

The 1990s pie throwing Burt Reynolds is a vicious bully. So unlike the whimsical, fun-loving pie throwing Burt Reynolds of the 1970s whose antics caused Johnny Carson to double over with laughter and Dom Deluise to wet his pants.

Nope, the most important thing you can learn in high school is that eating beef bowls increases your courage points.

One of the leads in Ride with the Devil which is secretly Ang Lee's best movie. I didn't say "Skeet" was good in it but he was definitely in it.

Yes, he is a turd. Even as an obnoxious liberal arts type undergrad I found Rosenbaum to be insufferable despite the fact that I was surely the type of person he should most appeal to. The opening bit about "not to be confused with Dogma 95" reminds me of how he managed to "cleverly" shoehorn a namecheck of Georg

Tusk was objectively terrible but I thought Red State was an effective little slow burn thriller. I think it would have gotten heaps of praise from the indie horror crowd if it had been made by somebody like Ti West instead of the Jay and Silent Bob guy.