
I agree completely but Michael Bay is not the man to deliver that.

*points indignantly* How dare YOU @clannister:disqus!!

In the wake of Beyonce's Lemonade all human artistic endeavor past and present has been rendered moot. Burn the libraries and museums as there is nothing to be gleaned from them.

Her most recent role (discounting credit card commercials) was as the mom in a low budget "my baby went to heaven" megachurch movie so…yeah.

Gradius Origins: The Rise of that Boss that was a Floating Space Brain with Eyeballs and Dangly Arms

Yeah, I was more than excited when Joaquin Phoenix was rumored to bring his jittery weirdness to the role. But Benedict Cummerbund? No, he'll just play it as a stuffy ass lizard faced public school boy, same as he does everything else he has ever been cast in.

You guys have an awesome zoo.

I used to wonder about that myself. Shirts, blouses, Darling Pickie… the purifying waters of Lake Minnetonka. Crazy thing is…it's true. Pancakes. Computer Blue. All of it. It's all true.

I know, right? I love the Rick Bayless PBS show. He's this really sweet and earnest Ned Flanders looking guy who knows a hell of a lot about Mexican food. I was dumbstruck when I found out that his brother is that insufferable jackass on Sports Shouting.

How so? Give me a synopsis and brief defense please. I will continue to enjoy Gish and Siamese Dream no matter what but I'm sure as hell not going to listen to a conversation between 2016 Billy Corgan and Alex Jones.

Hollow mugging…and vehicular homicide.

Yeah, I tried reading a few of these and while I didn't laugh at all I did feel like I was having a stroke.

He saw an episode of Sanford & Son dubbed over into Malay once. That practically makes him the Alex Haley of Southeast Asia.

I read Scott Adams as Adam Scott. It works either way.

Can't argue with you there. About the only Godzilla movie from that era that I'm genuinely fond of is Godzilla 2000. The father/daughter monster researchers and their skeptical reporter sidekick are a fun throwback to the goofy late 60s and 70s Showa era movies that I grew up watching on UHF.

If you haven't seen it I would note that the 90s Gamera trilogy featuring Steven Segal's daughter is pretty great.

Right?! Rudy/Samwise/Mikey is the son of Patty Duke and possibly Ricky Jr. but was raised by Gomez? That's nuts.

I'm still upset that they only made one Easy Rawlins movie. He was fantastic as Mouse in Devil in a Blue Dress.

Heterochromia is always sexy. Even on Max Scherzer.

Way of the Dragon is also great. The mafia really, really, really, wanted that Chinese restaurant for some reason and was willing to go to extraordinary lengths to get it.