
They were just lost drunken men who no longer care where they find themselves.

countercountercounterpoint: That wizard came from the moon.

Damned shame you weren't a script doctor in the early 70s.

Hell, even Joe probably wants to keep his distance from the Sheens at this point.

Eh. I'm more of a "burnout" than a "dirtball."

Well, the downside was pretty steep for Marie Antoinette. Steep as the vertical drop of a guillotine blade!

Wait, I'm confused. The cops knew that internal affairs were setting them up?

If you look up "self loathing" in the O.E.D. there is a little creepy cross-hatched illustration of Glenn Greenwald's bloated navel-gazing head.

Golf. You've got calm, quiet announcers, pleasant scenery, and slow dissolves into shots of fountains and swans gliding gently across water hazards. Perfect hangover viewing.

In the good old days our gladiators would get eaten by lions when they were no longer capable of amusing us. Now they just make bad financial decisions and rack up DUIs.

I enjoyed that Star Wars picture of his that came out a few months back.

I know Mike Meyers thought he was the next Peter Sellers.

Remember Johnny English? It's that movie…except with more cursing.

Upvoted for knowing the full name of the guy who makes expensive vacuum cleaners.

He was, but not before we saw way too much of his ass.

You're just jealous of his vast wardrobe of purple suits.

I'll probably watch this on Netflix just for Leland Palmer's portrayal of the wicked liberal heathen lawyer.

I'm also a little confused as to why she's described and Persian and Iranian since those are the same thing with regards to nation of origin.

There is a deleted scene on the DVD where he grouses about what a weiner his son Chris is. Powerful stuff.

I noticed a lot of repeat from other interviews as well, right down to the bit about home depot fence posts. The poor guy must be exhausted. He's been discussing the same project for over a year now.