
It's an odd internet phenomenon and one that I've seen in the comments to obituaries on this site more than once. Every time that a beloved public figure dies and people express grief because said public figure meant a great deal to them and perhaps influenced their thinking or brought joy to them in tough times, etc.

Tucker Carlson had an epiphany regarding the error of his ways and did the right thing. Now he is a ghost.

I honestly thought that Henry from Punky Brewster and the dad from Empty Nest were the same guy. Turns out they weren't.

Pretty sure Mohd lives in a country where you can be executed for being infected with gayness so I would cut him some slack.

I heard that if you stay on any one level for too long then The Cos comes in to intercept his dear momma on her way to heaven a la Evil Otto in Berzerk.

Eh. They were no Soup Dragons that's for damned sure.

Netflix is pretty confident that I'm interested in checking out a lot of low budget crap about Atlantis and the Aliens because I watched Ken Burns series on the Roosevelts.

Are Tim Burgess and "The Charlatans U.K." legally obligated to pay for his memorial service?

You must not live around many Mormons or mega church types.


He and Greg Kinnear have the same bookie.

Ladykillers is pretty weak overall but Tom Hanks as the gleefully evil southern dandy is a whole lot of fun. Probably my favorite performance of his.

C'mon, man. I'm on the west coast. It's way too early here for you to blow my mind like that.

Ask that Dan Brown fellah. He's got the scoop.

That orthodox rapper who tried to save Kyra Sedgewick and her kids from the dibbuk box? Yentl? Robbie Benson in The Chosen?

I saw that and it made me sad (for her, not for Franco and his wavering commitment to his "bayou" accent).

She has a lack of screen presence, no charisma, an inability to convincingly disappear into a role, flat delivery of dialogue and general "blankness." That being said she is very pretty.

Eh. There was never really any point to her character in the Thor movies beyond Thor needing a tacked-on love interest for no reason. I can see why she would feel done with that after two movies.

Those aren't laser rifles dood, they're space bongs. Duh.

Good gravy, these people need something more worthwhile to do with their time. ..model trains or frisbee golf maybe.