
I get why they'd be all bent out of shape over Harry Potter what with him leading millions of children down the primrose path to the dark arts and all but why did the pearl clutching mega church set object to X-Men?

Olive Garden? You are truly depraved.

*opens new tab, Googles /pol/, comes back*
I wish I hadn't done that.

It is completely without merit; a horror comedy that is devoid of both suspense and laughs. Parks is game but even he can't salvage it. I felt bad for the Sixth Sense kid and felt like Justin Long (?) was a piss-poor substitute for Jason Lee who was obviously too busy getting paid for a Chipmunk sequel to star in

Michael couldn't let him off the hook this time.
Edit: Beaten by mere seconds! Damn you, AshesOfDonnie!

Sundance should have an award for best quirky dysfunctional family road trip movie.

This seems like a job for that Shoelace guy. Is he still alive or did he die after drinking a bottle of oven cleaner?

Ah yes, the David Lean Metric. A useful tool.

Don't talk that way about Liam Neeson and Sam. The poor kid's mother died for Chrissakes.

That's a shame. He was one of the great ham and eggers of the 1980s WWF.

I'm sticking close to you when the monster attacks happen. You've got ideas.

Sardo Numspa is an ageless and eternal evil.

Yes but which was the more villainous role; the international terrorist or the guy who would cheat on Emma Thompson with some bug eyed tart?

Pity the poor Americans who must now interpret world events without the guiding hand of the Grand Sheik of Qatar.

Thanks for the warning. I was thinking of getting it to play with the kid as we love all things Animal Crossing.

That nurse droid is the most compelling character in the entire trilogy.


Did you identify deeply with the Billy Zane character?

Maybe after Finn deserted the First Order brass were having doubts over whether the stormtroopers were all on board with the space Nazi agenda and decided to have a team building exercise to pump them up.

The casting and new characters were great and the acting was far above what we've seen in any previous Star Wars movie and that was more then enough for me. I get why the "soft reboot" approach was necessary after the prequels but I wish that some of the echoes of A New Hope weren't so on the nose (i.e. orphan on a