
I felt that the scene itself was pretty powerful and well done. I would have liked more of a pause for the other characters to reflect on it though. Maybe if it hadn't happened so close to the climax then it could have been given more time but as it was it happened and then the plot just whooshed on.

As a confused old man I did not believe that this MRA angry young white male virgin millenials phenomenon was anything other than a horrid phantom concocted by the internet. Then I taught a class in which my most vocal student was not only one among them but the leader of the "he-man woman hater's club" on our

He looks like a picture of a somewhat handsome fellow whose photo had been transferred to silly putty and then stretched slightly in a number of wrong ways.

You're one of those "gimmick accounts" right? "A Failed Awakening"? You're doing a parody of the outraged internet fanboy aren't you? Tell me that's what you're doing. Please.

Mormon abstinence werewolf.

Maybe he shouldn't have bought all those haunted castles and pyramid tombs.

I'd follow Lucky Jack to the ends of the Earth I would!

You tricked me you silly goose!

Hemsworth has got charisma out the wazoo. We're not talking about Jai Courtney or Sam Worthington here.

Also worthy of praise for being the only Christmas song I can think of that includes a shout out to Satan and his power.

I can forgive it for just being Paul playing around on his shiny new Casio in 1979 and plopping out an innocuous throwaway Christmas song. What I don't understand is how it became a perennial "classic" that is completely unavoidable every December.

He was great in Amistad.

You write five books a year for forty years and your tics will start to show.

I don't fault you for wanting it to be a little more…brisk. As for me, I'm an old codger who grew up on turn based RPGs from stuff like Wizardry and Ultima on down and FF VII was one of the last of the genre to really capture my imagination (save for Dragon Quest VIII) so I would have preferred to have it with the

I don't know. I was reasonably excited for this when I was under the impression that remake = better graphics and cutscenes rather than monkeying with the mechanics of the original. If they have actually replaced ATB with button mashing then I'm unlikely to bother playing.

It is an ouroboros. A mad, whorling vortex of endless self-generating hipsterdom.

I knew that if we dug deep enough we'd find that the hipsters were to blame!

For someone with no tolerance for unconventional compositions and instrumentation you sure seem to find your way to a lot of artists who traffic solely in unconventional compositions and instrumentation.

Counterpoint: "Sir" Michael Caine.

The Jub Jub song is great. Don't you go denigrating the Jub Jub song.