
That reads as a Tarkovsky's AD post as written by Mickey Spillane.

Is that the one where the first stage is the Hoth battle and it's awesome and then the next stage is some fake Han Solo called "Dash Rendar" on a train and it stinks?

You've gotta admit that he showed some amazing cat-like reflexes when he dodged that thrown shoe though.

Well, Godzilla was played by an iguana in the 1997 American version so it's not like the series is averse to experimentation where casting is concerned..

Upvoted for a great deep cut from The Fookin' Roses.

Nah. Wes Anderson is capable of depicting real human emotions and getting affecting performances out of his actors.

A guy in a suit blowing a guy in a dog/easter bunny type costume?

That's Kubrick for you. My problem with him has always been that he was an unparalleled visual stylist whose movies aren't emotionally engaging in the least.

I don't have any problem with Pratt. He seems like he'd do a better job of scrambling from one set piece to the next by the skin of his teeth in proper Indy fashion. The one thing I don't want is an intense brooding Indy played by Bradley Cooper.

Pretty juvenile response from the PBA. On the other hand I didn't think Django Unchained was very good. It was also about an hour too long.

Ch-check it Out and Brouhaha are great. And that's about it.

"We've got a president we didn't elect/the Kyoto treaty he decided to neglect." I love MCA but..damn that's bad.

I tried listening to one album that everyone raved about. Didn't grab me. It was just a guy who sounds like young Michael Caine droning on laconically about going round to the shops to pick up a packet of crisps.

Yes, but that's because he shot a guy which he learned from US so he counts as a true New Yorker.

Naw. He moved to New York as a kid.

Why would the Brits make a musical about an American hip-hop outfit when the UK is home to renowned MCs such as Lady Sovereign, Dizzeee Rascal, and that "The Streets" guy, all of whom are beloved around the world?

Yeah, well, everyone gets a mulligan.

Weren't the JJ Star Trek movies written by the hacks who did Lost and Prometheus? Force Awakens was written by Lawrence Kasdan, the guy who did Empire Strikes Back and Raiders of the Lost Ark. That alone is reason to be hopeful.

That was Freddy Prinze Jr., not Billy Corrigan. I can see why you'd get them confused though.

That sounds about right. At this point I wouldn't mind if Activision or Ubisoft or some other company I can't stand just scooped the rights to all of Konami's franchises. It couldn't get any more inept than it is now.