
"Not for me."

*knowingly wags finger in @avclub-e5b4fef159d90a480b1961cef89a17b7:disqus's direction*
"You must be another Handsome Boy graduate."

I heard him speak on some NPR show. A grown man should not express himself strictly through outmoded culturally appropriated slang.

She was unconvincing as a baby as a baby.

I love Andy Daly. He is a tremendous comic talent and a great wit. He was also in Yogi Bear and A Haunted House starring Marlon Wayans. I don't begrudge the man a paycheck but his participation does not necessarily indicate that he will be bringing his Dalton Wilcox A game to a shitty sitcom.

Rockford files is awesome and I've long held that it is truer to the spirit of Philip Marlowe in the 70s than Altman's take on The Long Goodbye.

I have to imagine that the other gangsters would keep asking him why he's wearing those weird cataract blue Dune spice contacts and more latex makeup than Lon Chaney.

Yeah…when a one note gimmick of a John Stamos comeback project (he can't change diapers and he doesn't want to be called gramps!) that is likely to be cancelled within two weeks of its debut is ranked 4 out of 5 there isn't a whole lot of discretion on display.

But he does that thing where he stares into the middle distance, smiles enigmatically, and then returns to the dialogue.

And the simple banana. High in potassium and irrefutable proof of intelligent design by a benevolent creator.

"I only got one law. A kid who tells on another kid is a dead kid!" I don't understand why Over the Edge doesn't have a bigger cult following. It's a wonderfully bizarre movie.

And now you must remember that Michael McKean plays D.A.R.Y.L.'s dad in a largely non-comedic role for some baffling reason.

Q: "What does man represent in his purest form?" A: "Phallic symbol! Phallic symbol!" I'm not overly familiar with LaBute's work as a whole but I have a very hard time believing that movie could be intended as anything other than satire.

That makes one less white guy I have to worry about showing up at my door in a short sleeved dress shirt to tell me the good news about the angel Moroney.

Hand of God? More like Skull of Ape. That Ron Perlman is one weird lookin' sucker.

I'd go for a Being John Malkovich styled brain twister where Cage and Cusack are trapped in a literal video on demand limbo. Script by Charlie Kaufmann directed by Michael Gondry.

You're lucky you corrected yourself Utah. I was prepping my dueling glove with some baby powder.

The fact that the story isn't set out for you on a platter but is available if you take the time to piece it together is definitely part of the appeal. In comparison to most modern games there is little hand holding with regards to what you're supposed to do and even less with regards to the hell it is all about.

I, too, prefer Dark Souls.

A familiar tale to be sure. Folks are eager for a handout until that sweet Poltergeist money comes in and then it's all "Fuck you, got mine."