
I'll say one thing for Adrien Brody, the guy's not afraid to make some interesting choices: Oscar Winner, stabby retarded guy in The Village, Wes Anderson regular but also Predators, great cameo in Midnight in Paris followed by InAPPropriate Comedy and electric razor commercials. I think he uses a dartboard full of

The shaky cam is necessary in those movies because it preserves the illusion that Matt Damon is doing some awesome Bruce Lee type stuff.

Speaking of Neeson, I also didn't believe that he was really all that broken up over Sam's mother in Love Actually.

Still better than the time Marvin Gaye's father opened fire.

It might've turned out better had Winterbottom gone with his original lead, Steve Coogan in a funny blonde wig doing an exaggeratedly flat American accent.

Did something happen to Andy Lau or Karen Mok?!?!?!

Now I'm picturing a Sarlaac Pit full of boiling hot gooey Godfather's pizza cheese.

Unless you're one of those Tom Skerritt completists I'm always hearing about you probably shouldn't bother.

A man's got to know his limitations.

Good write up but I'm worried that this means Heller is no longer the AV Club's go to metal guy.

I can't imagine Biden had much input seeing as he was listening to Dream Police on his cassette Walkman for the duration of the hearings.

You know what's a horrible word? "Gals". That's a horrible word.

Those salads from Applebees and the like that are just shredded iceberg covered in ranch and fried chicken chunks are probably acceptable.

Absolutely. The Jr. High notebook level doodle of an armadillo space tank is terrible in a wonderful way.

That album cover gets a double demerit for A.) the dude's butt and B.) not having a far out psychedelic Roger Dean cover.

Has Bloom ever worked? Other than those times he was an elf, that is.

Great song. You don't hear enough about the struggles of the good mermen and merladies of Chicago's east side these days.

"Patience" not "patients" my dear great and mighty film scholar.

Just as well. Trying to top Johnny Mnemonic is a fool's errand.

Nice work if you can get it.