
You aren't Morrissey by any chance, are you?

I don't know much about how Leno came to take Johnny's chair rather than him but Dave's inability to look upon those celebrities deserving of condescension with anything other than condescension was probably a key factor. It's a large part of why he's great and also why The Tonight Show is better suited to bland

My favorite moment is that time that an angry drunken Oliver Reed (is there any other kind?) came very close to knocking his block off.

Knowing absolutely nothing about the show beyond a cursory googling everything from the regional setting, the font of the credits, Matt Dillon's suit and hairstyle…it all positively screams Twin Peaks. Fake Hitchcock/ Rod Serling Shyamalan was bad enough but fake David Lynch Shyamalan? That's a fridge too far.

I don't entirely agree with your "brief flash in the pan to complete crap" arc. That's overstating it a little. Still, the general consensus is that Season 2 went downhill because Lynch lost interest and handed over the reigns, the central mystery that drove the show was solved, but ABC wanted to keep to a schedule,

Episode 16. You don't have to watch past episode 16.

Having never heard of Wayward Pines but intrigued by your comment I decided to Google it and…good lord! If David Lynch were a litigious fellow with his heart set on intellectual property law he wouldn't have to beg Showtime for a bigger budget because he'd have his coffers full of sweet, sweet Lady in the Water

Fook You You Fookin' Fook Fudge
Monobrow and Banana
Bonehead Butterbrickle
Cigarettes and Apricot
Tracksuit Truffle
Wonderwaffle Maple
Rocky Road and Roll Star
Liam Lime Sherbet

Uncle Varg's Charred Church Norse Ripple!

"I’ve got an idea that’s going to make it so cheap that you will feel betrayed.”
What a bizarre European auteury thing to say.

They better keep the all important anal birth plot point from the grown up Damien movie with Sam Neill. That was crucial dammit.

Let me fill you in. This guy here, Mohd, he likes to make posts that a) have nothing to do with the subject of the article he's posting on and b) reference obscure anime. I don't get it either but it's his thing.

Elmo and Salacious Crumb as intergalactic outlaws on the lam. I'm thinking more Natural Born Killers than Thelma and Louise.

Sega, Konami, Capcom…they are doing their best to not belong in this world, that much is for certain.


Sure, or Palermo if we want to offend the Italians and act like Sicily counts.

I'm pretty sure that the entire soundtrack of Moonrise Kingdom consists of Lush B-sides.

Of course it's in Milan. This is dandy boy Wes Anderson we're talking about here. Now if Werner Herzog were to design a bar in Italy it would be in the shittiest neighborhood in Naples just to keep it dangerous.

Why don't you ask that to the many bastards Mel Blanc sired?

There was nothing calm or reasonable about Lindana. She was strictly concerned with the having of fun.