
Egg Shen himself testified that he showed great courage.

The Tonight Show has been nothing but a steady downhill slide ever since cool jazz cat Steve Allen handed over the reins.

Boy, do I ever hate Papyrus. That font is some suburban yoga studio orientalist bullshit.

The trailer for that movie was so great…it made you think that they were just going to be sassy and ride horses and have an adventure that involved at least one incident in which the titular bandidas splash water on each other. Then the movie came out and it was more boring than church and way more screen time was

Everyone knows 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by Ben Stiller, the CIA, the Bilderberg Group and the Illuminati. They planned the whole thing at the Bohemian Grove.

Michael Caine told him.

It's funny but when he's Han or Indy he has that glint in his eye and you really believe that he's a swashbuckling devil may care rascal. Whenever he isn't Han or Indy he just sort of sleepwalks across the screen.

It's a documentary, not a show and it's showing on Netflix and Showtime so there aren't any copies.

Remember when Leonardo DiCaprio was supposed to play Nolan Bushnell in a movie? That would've been pretty great potentially; there's a great story to be told about the hubris and the hot tubs and ripping off Ralph Baer and young Steve Jobs tricking Wozniak into programming Breakout for him and then taking all the

I'll admit that despite the fact that he's a two time Oscar nominee Jonah Hill "serious actor" is still strange and confusing to me. He comes off as very loose and natural in comedic roles and constipated with furrowed-brow effort in non comedic roles.

He also couldn't carry a tune if you gave him a bucket with a lid and a handle on it but he had a cool haircut and was a good front man.

It was a tragic incident that taught us all the difference between a toddler and a bag of cocaine.

Sonia Saraiya pounds on the AV Club office door in desperation, "Let me back in!" she pleads. She looks over her shoulder to see an angry mob wielding pitchforks and torches. They are advancing…she has mistaken beloved podcaster Kumail Nanjiani for some guy from the Big Bang Theory and now she must be made to pay.

No, it's an awful album. It was the nadir of that weird mid-90's trend of British bands with great, unique sounds and identities deciding that they needed to scrap everything and make a boring Stones/Zep knock off album (that inevitably came out as sounding more like a crappy Black Crowes record than anything).

I see that you've been called upon to explain this predilection before and apologize for my flippant comment. Let your linguistic freak flag fly Signor.

My thoughts exactly. His recent oddly hostile rambling interview on this very site was largely about what a bad dude he is. Guess even the most dangerous of reedy middle-aged goth teenagers can't anticipate a sucker punch at Denny's.

What's with the umlauts? What are you, the New Yorker?

Also missing is the fact that they reunited and put out an album a few years back. It wasn't a good album, mind you, but it probably warrants a mention.

No,no. Season 9 is the tail end of the golden age so @milkproofrobot:disqus is getting in just under the wire here.

The speed and relevance of @repostedcustomerreviews:disqus posts never ceases to amaze and astound.