
He has a weird face. I can't tell if he's had a ton of plastic surgery or if he just naturally looks like a finger puppet. Those creepy rubber ones, not the felt kind.

Aww relax. Bob Schuller always seemed like a pretty chill and pleasant guy and he had a soothing voice. He wasn't one of those hateful culture warrior types.

I would pay good money to watch him call Justin Bieber a twat, knob, bell end, nipple, right cunt, knowhatimean, etc. for an hour.

Plus Barkley drives drunk in his race car and Noel takes public transport.

A Wonderwall is a sitar jammy George Harrison soundtrack to a far out psychedelic animated feature I think. What that means in the context of the Oasis song is a mystery to me.

He got rich off of shitty music and got to date 90s Winona Ryder. If I were in that position I'd be pretty darn proud of my accomplishments and good fortune.

If I enjoyed his music 1//3 as much as I enjoy his interviews I'd be a huuuge Oasis fan. (I am not a huge Oasis fan).

It is not your words that offend but your exposed genitalia.

Ad Rock was always the cute one but yes, Mike D kind of turned into a mummy.

Ugh. I love comic books and find Pawn Stars to be ridiculously entertaining but those guys are unwatchable black holes of charisma.

Will definitely have a listen. Thanks for the suggestion!

Hmmm. I think I'll have to check out early Earth because I listened to some of their later stuff based on the fact that the Sunnn 00000___))) guys hold them in great reverence and it was this dry, slow, twangy instrumental stuff that sounded like the score to a revisionist western. I didn't care for it at all and I

You should try Year of No Light. They sort of sound like a post-metal MBV.

Coincidentally it was also the year that BYU decided it wanted a decent athletics program.

Not to brag but I've got one of those awards. I made it myself out of aluminum foil, some scratch-n-sniff stickers, and a third place ribbon from middle school track and field day.

I don't know. The notion of a great bearded white man in the sky is of course silly but the idea of a cosmogenesis sparked by some divine intelligence however nebulously conceived is less absurd to me than the wicked leader of a space armada being the root cause of all my hangups because he blew up some aliens in a

I wish the Avenged Sevenfold poster was still around. That would really mess with the heads of folks eager to pick a fight with Scientology apologists.

Yes, but apparently well intentioned outsiders rather than Brietbart loons for once.

It's probably embarrassed for OK Go.

Eh, I'm fine with TOS. They took ol' navelgazey Nabin and that kid who doesn't like Ghostbusters. Big whoop. Now if they took O'Neal away that would be cause for bad blood.