
Surely David Attenborough has sparked the occasional doobie.

AVC: Okay, this next question is from Tori Amos. If you could only express yourself as an instrument..

De Palma is good at swooping the camera around but I'm not sure he's ever made an even somewhat good movie let alone a masterpiece. Carrie is okay, I guess.

There is a strange and mysterious connection between being the son of a
director of a classic Dan Aykroyd movie and being terrible.

@ScienceIsBad:disqus : "Donkey Kong sucks."
Me: "You know what? YOU SUCK!"

The narrative is definitely overblown as a whole but the complaints are pretty accurate where Squeenix's recent output is concerned. Other than Sega I have a hard time thinking of a brand so intent on self-sabotage.

Just because their games aren't monochromatic and do not feature uncanny valley Kevin Spacey and lots of cursing doesn't mean grown-ups cant enjoy them.

X-II is probably the last one I really liked. It was goofy and fun.

Phew. That last paragraph really says it all. I know the common perception is that JRPGs are hopelessly unfashionable but maybe the problem is just that Squeenix is never coming back from the anime cliche cutscene hell that they've descended into and have devalued the Final Fantasy brand to the point that a…

Based on that post I'm going to go ahead and assume that @krocodilekroc:disqus has a more than passing interest in ethics in games journalism.

No mention of Dwayne Wayne's flippy-up glasses? Those were the coolest.

If Harrison Ford weren't forty years too old he'd be perfect. Nobody hates getting paid ludicrous amounts of money to make pretend like Harrison Ford.

Well, you're incorrect.

*Waves dismissively at @PhonyPope:disqus *
Man, you lyin'. You ain't never met no Doctor Martin Luther the King Junior.

I think I remember hearing somewhere that Mel Brooks is Jewish too but maybe not because he isn't on that list.

Now I'm trying to picture either Margaret Cho or Paula Poundstone writing an endless love letter to themselves prefaced unironically by a massive glamor shot of themselves…it isn't working.

I'll do ya one better and never watch it at any time on any platform!

Oh! Capital knockers, madam!

Don't forget the trade federation guys with the Fu Manchu nefarious oriental accents.

The voice of a generation. Our Dylan.