
He could've made a great Doctor Strange.

I'm less than enthused about Cumerbatch as Doctor Strange because I'm anticipating a Mr. Spocky/Sherlockian cool and detached performance (regardless of what the script calls for) whereas if Joaquin Phoenix would have taken the role he'd be sure to bring the crazy (regardless of what the script calls for).

Yeah, "Oliver" is so much tougher sounding than the wussy Gallified "Olivier".

I was hoping it would be about Neeson's character from Love Actually seeking vengeance for the death of Sam's mother.

Why bother painstakingly choreographing a fight scene when you can just whip the camera around a bunch cut every three frames and expect the audience to believe that Matt Damon has crazy Jet Li skills?

I'm too old for it now but it's good that Waking Life is still out there to BLOW THE MINDS of stoned teens.

I'm willing to wager that Red State's reception was hurt by the fact that Kevin "Clerks" Smith made it. Were it the work of Ti West (to whose inferior The Sacrament it bears more than a passing resemblance) or the You're Next folks instead of Smith it would have been heaped with praise as a brilliant indie horror.


Or his role as young MCA in the Fight for Your Right video?

The Bigfoot Research Squad on basic cable has more truth-seeking credibility than Cosby's "investigative" team.

Come now, let's not paint with such a broad brush. The Dalai Lama seems to chuckle quite a bit.

Hmm…I thought The Sacrament was a big step backwards for West but the cast alone has me interested in In a Valley of Violence.

That ten minute build-up jump scare where Harry's alone in the house and you just hear muffled sounds and brief flashes of out of focus movement until all hell finally breaks loose was great. That was the Copa tracking shot of jump scares.

Everything I know about English history was gleaned from Rick Wakeman's King Arthur on Ice.

Paul Stanley is the loveable dopey yin to Gene Simmons's raging asshole yang.

Yep. He'll always be Maurice to me. Great performance.

Steven Seagal as a hungry hobo was pretty good.

…And when he finished speakin'

I'd be very surprised if that were the case as China's government is fully aware that North Korea's government is nutty and stupid. They only prop them up because relative stability is seen as preferable to millions of refugees streaming across the border. It seems unlikely that China's intelligence services would be

Yeah, it's sappy as all get out but I still love it. Wolfgang Petersen + water = extremely well made movies.