
The bigger he goes the less it works. Nolan needs to stop expanding the canvas. If he doesn't I don't believe he'll ever top Memento.

You joke, but Guy Incognito II is actually the lead singer for Amon Amarth.

That was Denis Leary.

mumbling and maudlin is one thing but I draw the line at mimsy!

Stephen King's writing would be greatly improved if he aimed to be a pulp horror Hemingway instead of a pulp horror Henry James.

While you're at it ask them if there's a way to get out of the dungeon on the Itchy and Scratchy CD-Rom without using the wizard key.

If Martin Freeman in yellowface is Wong then I don't want to be right.

It worked to cure the world of its collective crush on Fatty Arbuckle.

I prefer laptop glitches and disembodied mumbling to actual songs so we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Yeah, the original works on atmosphere alone. As the sequels descend into camp and labored exposition it becomes less and less effective. By the time you get to part 3 with the Home Alone kid…blecch.

I still love the first Phantasm. It works as a nonsensical 70s fever dream and the Tall Man is great…but, man oh man, the sequels all terrible stink bombs.

If not caring about Pearl Jam is cool then I'm Miles Davis.

Spanky from the Little Rascals and Allen Ginsberg (not on the same glossy headshot unfortunately).

Would you say that to Tom Petty?

wiff the brandy and the cigars..

Have the two of them record a duet over Metal Machine Music and you've got a sonic weapon of horrifying power on your hands.

Didn't he say that Obamacare would make his shitty freezer grade pizza prohibitively expensive?

DuPage County represent! Woot! Woot!

I stand corrected. I know only of those who spread Moroni's word through secondhand hearsay.

I have heard tell that the smart ones who do well on the missionary training, especially foreign language, are sent to Lagos and Panama and so on whereas the dummies who can't learn Spanish get the cushy Salt Lake suburb assignments.