
I don't know who the real Jimmy John is but you've got Hermain Cain of Godfathers, the Coldstone ice cream guy running for gubbner' in Arizona, that creepy jagoff Papa John, the Chick-which bosses…what is it with shitty b-list fast food chains and radical right assholery??

Well I'm going to pull him right back out and set him to the side. Now what?!?

Did you go to Ole' Miss in the 50's or something?

Wayans is a bad actor and was basically doing a Carlton Banks impression in this movie.

Could someone who is talented with the computers tell me how to set it up so that "Don't bring that shit here, Mohamad" is posted automatically in response to every single one of his comments?

As long as you're spending time here you should try reading the articles before commenting on them. That way, you'll have a better chance of contributing something to the conversation.

You've got to give Jack Arnold credit for not taking any shit from that hippie John Corbett.

My favorite sitcom dad of all time. He was realistically gruff and disillusioned, not a gentle dispenser of wisdom.

Geez. What a crab!

You've got a thing for Eleanor from the Chippettes don't you, ya weirdo?

Well…I didn't know that you wanted to get involved in the discussion "Mr. Helper".

Deep beneath the earth in Langley, Virginia a light flickers on a bank of massive servers and @avclub-912e79cd13c64069d91da65d62fbb78c:disqus is added to the federal watchlist of "creeps".

Both. They wag a scolding finger whilst peeing their diapers.

What a bunch of big nanny state babies.


The only thing I remember about the second one is that Ewan McGregor played a duplicitous and ultimately self-immolating priest. Man, does that guy know how to squander his talents.

I might watch it if they bring Amelie back. I like Amelie.

Steve Hackett played on Symphony of the Night?

I got a Company of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul Servants of the Poor notification for THIS???

I was concerned that Patrick was taking them too far into the realm of "serious" (read: lit crit 101 ponderous) games journalism. Thankfully Dan is dragging them back towards proper stupidity.