
Is Egg Shen from Big Trouble in Little China still alive? He's a wizard.

Why does Captain America talk like one of the Bowery Boys in your script?

Bunny Wailer on the other hand…that guy has a sick sense of humor.

Okay, now the guy whose avatar is a pokemon with a big penis on its nose wants to know about a memorable martini you've enjoyed.

Hubcaps are stolen and a guy says "Christopher Columbo".

The casually racist ghost of casually racist John Hughes will be seriously displeased if Key's character is not revealed to be the son of the guy who spray painted the words "Honkey Lips" on Clark Griswold's station wagon.

I wish my dad had all the computer money but he doesn't.

Linklater's Bad News Bears has a special place in the pantheon of pointless remakes.

Sounds like you'd enjoy Billy's recent "twelve hours of Mellotron noodling inspired by Siddhartha" project.

Hmm…Dowd doesn't rank Adore among the best Pumpkins albums but finds that it is better than he remembered. Sounds like a solid C+.

His comments do not suggest that he has spent a significant amount of time in the company of peers who are also human females.

Does this mean the long awaited Simpsons/Chicken Soup crossover will never happen?

Penn: "Pick a card, any card!"
Audience Member: "Okay…"
Penn: "I'm not just going to GIVE you a card you parasite. Atlus Shrugged Chapter the Third in theaters now!!"

You should listen to the Red House Painters guy's acoustic covers of Bon Scott songs. You will be paralyzed with ennui.

Franco's was for Homefront, right?

Javier Bardem's cartoonish performance certainly owes a debt to Harry and Marv.

Except for Guy Pearce's weird old man suit. He looked like Lo-Pan.

Hey Ridley, while you're at it I want to see Nick Cave's crazy Gladiator 2 script filmed.

Ghost peppers grown deep in the jungle primeval by the inmates of a Guatemalan insane asylum!

It sucks getting older but I'm pretty glad that I'm not the target market for whatever this is.