
Good for him. That's some creepy ghoulish entitlement to foist upon the poor old fat guy.

No way, I haven't seen a Pinto on the road in years.

Is that fat magician on there? I'm scared to look.

His oversharing of bedroom stuff is not as offensive to my delicate sensibilities as the fact that he named his daughter after a sexy cartoon dominatrix clown.

Hey fellahs, pull in my recycling bin while you're out there wouldja? Thanks a bunch.

Spoken in Alec Baldwin's hushed tone narrator voice: "Kevin failed to develop as an artist."

@pantsgoblin:disqus Michael J. Fox in Midnight Madness is neck and neck with Robert Downey Jr. in a Prince outfit as one of the cool kid bad guys in Weird Science.

True, though the presence of Eddie Deezen grants it some solid "Wild Comedy" cred.

Does Midnight Madness count or is that more of a "Zany Comedy" than a "Wild Comedy"?

Ski School! Hamburger University!

Isn't Maverick essentially Rockford in the old west? According to my dad that is the case and he knows a thing or two about cowboy TV shows. I've never seen it personally, though I love Rockford so I probably should.

His writing is definitely nuance deficient. I usually agree with him because it is not in my nature to not be a liberal wiener but good gravy is he as strident and obnoxious as the Guardian comment boards that he spawns.

I like Philip Baker Hall a lot more than Adam Sandler.

Everybody knows that super-intelligent/unnaturally aggressive wolves are attracted to plane crashes and that your best bet for rescue is to wander into the frozen wilderness without a destination in mind. Weren't you ever a Cub Scout or Brownie?

Next you're going to tell me that disparaging the boot is NOT a bootable offense.

Hey, Rolla has a concrete reproduction of Stonehenge. If that doesn't inspire civic pride then I don't know what does.

…and Harvey's Bristol Cream! My Gramma puts it in her coffee!


I was tickled to learn that Australians, whose forefathers were convicts sent half way around the world because England didn't want them, are known to mockingly call Americans "septic tank yanks". That's a bit of pot kettle black isn't it?

…and the angel Moroni likes it that way!