

As a U.S. citizen he is unable to vote for the BJP so he is doing the next best thing.

Well, if there's never going to be another Outkast album I suppose this sort of thing is slightly preferable to electric razor commercials.

Dom Deluise's fat guy hat was the real star of Cannonball Run.

The drawn out scene where it's him alone in the house and the tension slowly builds through muffled noises off camera, flashes of movement, etc until the whole thing is unbearable is pretty great. It's the Scorsese's tracking shot in Goodfellas of jump scares.

He earrrrrrrrrrned it.

That blowsy old bulldog made money the old fashioned way, he did!

I just can't think of the guy without thinking of that hilarious sex scene at the end of Munich and then giggling.

Yes, but anything that matches those criteria is also guaranteed to be streamed by me at some point and enjoyed to one degree or another.

You are correct on all of the above. What was your opinion of the recent Lady in Black starring young Harry Potter? I thought it was very good. Wakewood, the other recent Hammer studios reboot picture, was pretty good but fell apart in the third act.

Throw in Leland's phonograph player and you've got yourself a deal!

Yep. Same guy. Apparently now he eats big hamburgers and then gets angry about it or something.

@avclub-920530cb8744c679e3a2ece84f1d5ce4:disqus Sci-fi lyrics, classical pretensions, and Rick Wakeman in a wizard's robe IS goofy which is also why prog is awesome.

I was always under the impression that 311 more of a fake Chili Peppers than a fake RATM, though. Not sure the comparison makes much sense.

…and I see that Ruben Remus has made my very comment. Carry on.

@avclub-f8f8c273f326be25421cc62737d24a9e:disqus Probably not in the comments section for an article with the word "extradite" in the headline, no.

Well, I did see a "Don't Blame Me I Voted for Jefferson Davis" bumper sticker when I toured Gettysburg but I can't remember what state the license plate was from.

Sure, but reports on/articles featuring snippets of transcripts from oral arguments do tend to be the avenue whereby most folks are aware of and digest the proceedings of the court. In that sense he has been a very prominent and powerful public servant who has been all but silent in the public sphere.

We are fortunate to be in the care of those wise heirs to Solomon Samuel Alito and Antonin Scalia. I'd add Clarence Thomas but he hasn't spoken in thirty years so he's really more like the Watchers from Marvel comics than an active justice.

How does the joke go? Philadelphia on one side, Pittsburgh on the other and Appalachia in between?