
A-men.  We get far too many movies about comic book heroes and far too few westerns.  Also, movies about knights.  We need more movies about knights.

Your Aunt Edith might have lost her marbles but at least she never made Ocean's 12.

I suspect that Alfonso Ribiero's tragic death was NOT due to a breakdancing accident but rather that the creepy father from Silver Spoons simply made it LOOK as if it were.

Eh, he can bring the hate.  Ringo can take it.  He was in the Beatles and this guy has a song on a John Hughes soundtrack once.

Yes, that Frank Turner fellow is correct.  "Imagine" is worse than "Wonderful Christmas".

No, Ghostface is the most emotional rapper ever. 

Born in the USA would be a vastly better album were it not for the horrible 80's overproduction and giant, cheesy keyboards that smother every song.

@avclub-b85d65c39e12a5515c19fd72b6f48199:disqus "She Watch Channel Zero" begs to differ with your "every song is a stone cold classic" theory.

No Rockford primer is complete without mention of Cheap Trick.

In my mind Silvia Poggioli is a foxy, olive skinned Mediterranean siren and I will not accept any photographic evidence that counters this wish.

Apparently he looks like Reggie Bannister

Well sir it's been an uneventful week in Badger
falls. Where the men are robust, the
women are pink cheeked, and the
children are pink cheeked and
At the Apple Biscuit Cafe, where the smiles are

I used to get the two shows confused until I eventually came to realize that Whad'ya Know is the groaningly unfunny one with the Wisconsin guy and Wait Wait is the groaningly unfunny one where Paula Poundstone interrupts people.

Quiet! If Morrissey catches wind of this there will be hell to pay.

Like Judd Apatow and his kids.

Inter Arma- Sky Burial

Shows what you know.  I was never handsome!

Rex Reed has an intoxicating aroma.  It is a mix of pomade, nail polish remover, and secret lusts.

Of the insufferable critics at least Armond White is entertaining in his batshit, thesaurus thumping contrarianism and  Rex Reed is a bitchy old Mr. Blackwell.  Shalit, on the other hand, brings nothing to the table. 

Always loved Ebert.  Never particularly got the impression that Siskel was all that interested in movies.  That clip epitomizes the difference between the two.