
Lasagna didn't mispronounce "sashay", just pronounced "chassé" in that same weird way English speakers say "Cabernet", "rendezvous" or "Déjà vu"… or, more on point (all the puns in the world intended), " ballet".

She said she had a lot to learn from Stacy and even though while they were filming she expressed that she didn't see her as competition, her views had positively changed. Raja's apology was a bit more theatrical, that's why I think people don't remember Delta's.

OK, I might not be making any friends here, but this has been bothering me more and more each week. Now I do like Bianca very much, but… how come no one sees she basically wears the same one-shouldered dress but in a different shade every single runway? Besides, she does the same walk with that odd head posture, with