
Because then the episode would have lasted about 20 minutes… It's like saying, 'Oh hey, why didn't the villain just shoot Bond in the first 5 minutes?'

How about that "you have been logged out of PSN network" ,or whatever, thing? Can't remember which episode it was from but did we ever find out what that was about?

I'm already a hot mess just thinking about it!

Dammit, you beat me to it!

Let's be honest, any episode with Michael and GOB having a fight in a ball pit is going to be a winner.

Oscar: Hey where's Dwight?

Bet Jerry's kicking himself

Julia Louis Dreyfus, first in Seinfeld and then her appearance in Deconstucting Harry… if you have not seen this, I would strongly advocate that you do. She somehow even managed to look hot playing a 'blind' person in AD

I think it was Bateman's almost maniacal delivery followed by the awkward silence that made it for me

Have you ever even been on a plane you little piece of shit?

Actually pretty hard to come to terms with the fact the office will not be on on our screens anymore, one of the things I used to get home and look forward to watching but HEY HEY EVERYBODY, ARRSTED DEVELOPMENT IS NEXT SUNDAY!!