Milky Bar Kid

Nirvana are crap? Hush your mouth boy.

It should have given him 20 seconds to comply and then shot him.

Also Steve Coogan's company Baby Cow, who made Gavin and Stacey, bought this short comedy film a few of years ago. A much better look at life in Wales. And at darts

A-? WTF? If you're gonna praise this show then there's a whole load of crap from Britain you'll like. Gavin and Stacey is on a par with Will and Grace.

This film always reminds me of this Not The Nine o'clock News sketch

Beatles Schmeatles. Best song they ever did was "Day in the Life" and half way through Macca comes in with some worse than horrendous lyrics., involving dragging a comb across his head. Fuck Macca he brings them down to also rans. Prick.

Best thing Dave Grohl ever did - drumming.

So.. Pitchfork gives Em a higher rating than AVClub. Never thought I'd see it.

This is footage of Scott Adkins, the guy who did Deadpool's martial arts, training for Wolverine. It looks better than in the film cause the camera stays still. They should stop cutting so fast around the fight scenes. Bloody directors.

If they think he's so unappealing, why use his image in the first place? It's just admitting it was a shit campaign from the start. Twats.

The animation of the statue outside the US Treasury Department looked very Terry Gilliam as well

Yeah PULLING is the best that we've got right now. Last series of Peep Show wasn't as good the others. The Thick Of It was also class.

Q. What did the creatures on the Ark eat?

"Spinning Wheel" on "Sex Machine" by James Brown

With this now all cleared up
I fully expect her career to go from strength to strength