
They were remodeling it a few years ago (Mother Black Cap), and the flat above it was for rent, or "to let", or whatever. Would've done it, too, except for the lack of a job, or a work permit.

53rd & 3rd.

I, too, am a busy, important person
who simply doesn't have the time to say "introducing" in full. So yeah, it'll be "introing" for me as well in 2010.

If you thought *Lot 49* was convoluted, you're probably not going to be a Pynchon fan.

Lot 49 is the usual suggestion, i think, although if you are from, or interested in, California, you might start with Vineland. (Ditto New York and V.)

They thought we probably wouldn't know what "adj." meant.
Damn it's embarrassing to be an American sometimes.

Fair enough.

You know, getting called out online by some weak Mark Manning wannabe just doesn't spill much beer 'round Chez Alyxander, i'm afraid.

Yeah, i'm also surprised Minor Rectal Surgery didn't feature more prominently on this list.

There must have been some shark left over from the Crank 2 debacle, because ZMF is most definitely jumping it here.

D D-L + Transylvanian accent: "Our LIFE, it IS, so LIGHT…"

We can if we want to.

Well, that *is* one of the more concise versions of the Beefhead Manifesto i've heard, i'll give him that.

Don't go there, Mr. Bain. I mentioned that similarity once to a Tori Amos fan and almost got my head bitten off.

idiotking — yeah, i hear you. The sudden realization that It's Not All About You is one of the more unpleasant things about growing up.

She'll be posting on AVClub in Heaven, or a CompuServe bb in Hell — either way, we'll know.

Easy to say, when you're young & cute
I eagerly await Ms. Gillette's comments on similar subjects in a decade or two.

um… TomWaits?

Do you like a band?
Send them money. It's really not that difficult. For example, there's this "Paypal" thing all the kids are apparently into.

"oooh lookit me, i'm a fucking ignorant peasant"