to the poster who equated "central valley" with "california"…
Roughly 20mi. E. of the coast, California ends, and you're suddenly in Kansas. HTH.
to the poster who equated "central valley" with "california"…
Roughly 20mi. E. of the coast, California ends, and you're suddenly in Kansas. HTH.
what i'd like to see deleted is…
…those posts, usually on MYOF, which consist of a quoted sentence or two from the article, and then some "<author>, that was the bestest EVAR! Please put your dick in my mouth!" blatant suck-uping. IMHO.
rjsplow forgot
the wax shavings that got all over the place when you played a cylinder. Christ i hate really, really old out-of-touch people.
you're forgetting the worst sports-media sin of all:
Fox having the rights to the World Series. Which means that The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode isn't shown until AFTER Hallowe'en. BASTARDS.
sounds like the first entry in a new feature:
Films You Have To Stop Watching Five Minutes From The End.
that comment was supposed to go
in MYOF. site messed up.
sounds like the first entry in a new feature:
Films You Have To Stop Watching Five Minutes From The End.
"Epic fantasy is not a viable genre."
African, African-American, Chinese-American, and Asian fiction, essays, and autobiography are not viable genres.
sorry, i forgot The Rosemarys.
Sorry, Rosemarys.
i cannot translate,
Japanese to English,
and English to Japan,EEEESE…
all is not yet lost…
As people have already noted, "Pearls Before Swine" is good and keeps getting better. Another new and very good strip, if you haven't seen it yet, is "Lio":
How wonderful you all are.
"I don't want to be this person to come across and say, `Why, I know what's going on' and shove it down people's throats. (Because) I don't know everything."
With that statement, pathetic untrendy unhipster douche Nick Carter has just demonstrated his moral and intellectual (although perhaps…
"brief obsession"!?
My shelf of the _Ukrainians_ side-project stuff includes works from 1991 to 2002, and they still play live occasionally.