JR Ewing

NERDS! *Begins chanting and then drops random nerd from balcony*

From now on "Dawson's Creek Dude" should be refered to as Pacey.

From now on "Dawson's Creek Dude" should be refered to as Pacey.

That guy has the best job in T.V. He probably gets at least scale for every episode and all he has to do is keep his head shaved.

Wait, Cheeze Wiz on a Cheesesteak! Christ that sounds awful. I'm glad I live in the south where we know how to make food edible.

Once again, The Hairy Scar of Teri Garr wins.


There was an episode of the Kathy Griffith Show where she was performing in a prison but it was on Monday night so there was a fear that she wouldn't have a big crowd because they would all be watching Prison Break. I think she did okay though.

That description makes it sound plausible but the rest sounds a little too over the top for this particular public servant to want to watch.

Capitalism is always best. NO MATTER WHAT.

what a huge thread! I'm always last to the party.

his films will last.

Too soon to
be last, only time herself can tell the tale.

May the hate
LAST forever