
I can picture Jesse thumbing through an English-French dictionary, trying to find the word for "stop".

I wouldn't go so far to say it's "chastising" the audience, but it's definitely having a bit of fun with them. As I said up above (before I read your comment, which I am mostly on board with), I think it's a response to the kind of fan who (for example) skipped through the therapy scenes in The Sopranos, or hated

This has probably been mentioned in the thread before, and is probably kind of obvious, but I saw this episode (and the last one, to a lesser extent) as poking a bit of gentle fun at the meme-loving Rick and Morty fandom. All kinds of messed up things have happened in this show, but most of the clips and quotes I've

I know nobody else probably cares, but I found it slightly annoying.

I'm sure someone has probably said this several times already but, aside from the correct character for "soul", none of the "Japanese" writing on the side of that truck meant (or was pronounced like) what it said in the English letters. It was gibberish. I know nobody else probably cares, but I found it slightly

Good write-up, but I don't think you're referring to the right Clegane.

"It will air on Netflix, and hopefully not end with such a miserable series finale that it makes everyone retroactively think less of the entire show that went before."

Fun fact: this is the second time Noah Taylor has played Hitler. The other time was 15 years ago in Max, which was about him as a struggling artist before coming to power.

I do think it's a bit weird of the reviewer to be constantly handing out high Bs and low As to a show that he's constantly complaining about. If must be difficult to recognise something as really well-made, but that you don't particularly like regardless. But I don't really know what the solution is. Ditch the letter

I fell for Yusuke when he came up to the other guys on the beach during summer vacation, holding up a pair of live lobsters and going "Hey, I just spent all my money on these. Aren't they the most beautiful things you've ever seen?" He was a permanent member of the party after that.

I thought that was a bit alright. The only thing I'd like (as someone who has read the source material) is

It's not just Trump… social media in general has been a nightmare for government archivists and record-keepers everywhere. The legal and privacy issues alone are mind-boggling.

Yeah, this is the thing that puzzled me as well.

I haven't read these for a long time. But I remember loving the first couple of books, but thinking that the third got (ironically enough) a bit preachy.

I am too, though I share the article's trepidation about the thing working on the screen. The books are deeply, deeply weird, and I think things like the Crawler may work better as as a sort of Lovecraftian "this thing will drive you insane just looking it it" business, and that actually depicting it will just look a

The logo where the samurai were was "SW", meaning (I assume) Samurai World. If so, I cannot wait for them to explore this in future seasons.

I can think of ways of sticking it to said bullies that are more productive than electing a dangerous psychopath to be the most powerful person on the planet.

Right on! I remember when I went to some classical music concert with a friend of mine. We weren't all that interested in the music, it's just that at hadn't seen each other in ages and wanted to catch up for a bit of a chat.

Maybe it would have been a bit cliched, but man it would have been great if Ezekiel was played by Keith David.

I saw this at a film festival, and some of the scenes in it would have gotten Archer-style audible boners from the male half of the audience. Schwing!