
Careful now…you're talking smack about the vital, original voice that gave you the gay robot and a cat puppet that snorts cocaine…he gives and gives and gives and still you mock his genius.

True about the late seasons suckage. For folks who want that mannvision contact high, the first two seasons of miami vice have the style and atmosphere that the shown was known for. Season three has its moments, but the show starting losing its unique, hypnotic feel as mann became less involved. The fourth and

Crockett: Look pal, this is the sport section. You planning on winning the superbowl too?

this flick was written from the perspective of a bacon pepperoni pizza that becomes self-aware during the long drive from the carryout joint to my doorstep, then this movie's title has got to be one of the worst ever.

yeah, i almost expect the general or the car fox to show up for some primo promo time in exchange for a small bag of dirty twenties left on blue yonder's doorstep…

The Wrath Of Phil
Seems like Phil had a smile for every team as they hit the finish line, although the cowboys got a mournful look. The lone exception? The burning hate in his glaring eyes as he told the thirtysomething hot topic goths that they were still in the race…no smile, no small talk, just hate.

Inappropriate Mosh Pits
My memory's a little hazy, but I could've swore I saw dudes moshing to Matthew Sweet and…They Might Be Giants back at some 94 festival…either Lolapalooza or the HFestival…maybe both? Like I said, hazy…real hazy.

The foes of the mighty Weinsteins could wake up next to one of Gary Williams' sweat-soaked suits wrapped around a regulation ncaa basketball….feel the wrath of the terps, fiends!

Sue The Coop
Someone needs to sue Bradley Cooper every time he steps outside of the frat comedy house he shares with Vince Vaughn. Git on back in dar, Cooper, git!

Naw, they don't fear the turtle…they'd just sue the hell out of him.

Grade A-
Another solid episode: Tim gets plenty of time to assert his low-key yet awesome Timness, Helen gets some classic lines before the plot sends her to the grave, Dark Boyd's evil rise continues, and Duffy gets to live for another season. At first I wanted a straight up gun blazin showdown with the Duffster,

Actually Doyle and anyone else who's got a posse rollin' up on Raylan are the ones who should be worried….Tim's got some serious skills with the cold steel. Like Raylan was saying in the preview: I thought y'all were bringin' more.

LA Takedown was balls due to being a tv pilot with bad actors who couldn't handle Mann's terse, tough guy poetry…this flick shares a lot of dialogue with Heat, and you can see how lines that sing when Pacino and Deniro are working 'em just sink when you've got some anonymous tv lifers manglin' em. That was a big

Let's all go to the lobby and…have a bi-curious treat.

Don't let 'em get ya down, Sean—many internet commentators must relentlessly nitpick much like the great white shark must continue ever forward in search of food—if the shark stops, it dies—if the commentators stop, they snap awake to the horrible antiseptic reality of their work cubes. Yes, I'm on the internet

According to John Corbett, it's better to be at Applebee's.

Vincent D'onfrio in CI is indeed the good kind of crazy: an autodidact genius detective raised by a troubled librarian mother who fights crime while brushing away chunks of scenery from his chin.

Vendetta Whoop De Dooo
Next week brings smilin' sinister Boyd as the new hillbilly godfather, a blood feud, an ambush, at least one gunfight, Art…it's excellent that they aren't taking an episode off by having Raylan deal with a case o' the week. Looks like Mr. Givens is gonna be doing a lot of paper work from here

The Killer Elite has a few decent moments, but it's definitely one of Peckinpah's lesser joints. There's some weird tonal shifts, like in the climactic battle where Duvall loses one of his old compadres…and instead of feeling rage or sorrow he just spends the rest of the movie cracking bad jokes. Still, there's

Ah! Commodore Cage…The Sailing Cage
Drive Angry Failure After Action Report: