
Detail that irks me (and maybe I'm missing something): They bury Hae's body the day of a huge ice storm. How do two boys dig a hole big enough to bury a body in frozen ground? Also this storm knocked out power all over the city. Would that affect the cell tower? We know the time line as Jay tells it is a lie. We

Glad to read this. I'm on a Christie kick right now. I really liked The Man in the Brown Suit as a jumping off point - good story, exotic locals, sassy female protagonist. I was struck by how funny Christie can be and feminist in her own way. All her novels (that I have read - I'm late to this party) pass the

I've been on a Christie kick. Just finished A Murder is Announced. I was shocked by the comedic holocaust survivor character. "Oh that Mitzie, always screaming about the gestapo killing all her family…how embarrassing."

Yes.  And did no one else notice all the times they said the word "time"?  I thought it might have been just bad writing but after seeing "Tempus Fugit" I realized it was some sort of clue (hopefully having something to do with a big bad).   Also did the watchers not see that the bully at the beginning turned into an

Right! Time has clearly passed since he dropped them off - and this is when he sends the blue cards.  So when does Amy then get turned into a fleshpod? Because according to interviews Amy hadn't been Amy the whole season.  ALSO what the crap has the Doctor been doing for 200 years all by himself.  It only took David

2. Anyone else find it strange that Rory took Amy's last name in the marriage?  They are the Ponds?

Agreed. See, when she meets the doctor and he doesn't know her (Silence in the Library) that means that it's the last she sees him.  Soooo shouldn't the first time she meets him and doesn't know him be the last time he sees her?   They are on opposite time lines. 

Which would make sense that the tiny justice league would give the doctor hell as the astronaut by the lake…I mean he did kill all the time lords.  

nothing says "no day but today" like a suicide bomber…
The problem with this movie is that there was no attempts to creatively translate the play to the silver screen. Chris Columbus is a hack (as was previously stated).
What makes it worse is that in early 2001 there were plans for Spike Lee to direct a low budget

Rosie is so not fat here.
I mean…she's not sexy either. She looks really uncomfortable and kinda mannish.
But not fat.

You are right that is a thought.

What about the golden monkeys? I'm pretty sure that it was a henchman who Aunt Swozie killed in the first episode. So some one is still out there looking for them. Plus what have Chuck and Ned done with the money? I'd think they wouldn't have to solve murder cases with monkey money in the bank.

"Hey Mama" made me cry listening to it before Ms. West passed away. I couldn't imagine having to perform it for your dead mother. Poor Kanye.
I can't believe he is out performing. I thought he'd just be a mess.

I love how out of breath Tyra was during the "model-sexy lessons".
And then she had the nerve to make fun of Lisa for being out of shape.
Also poor Sarah. I felt bad and would have been sobbing too if I was not only kicked off a tv show but called a fat fatty in the process.
Way to be part of the problem

American Gods
Anyone? Anyone?