Fuck that noise, it's lazy thinking. She was swinging for Chappelle show, and landed on Million Dollar extreme.
Fuck that noise, it's lazy thinking. She was swinging for Chappelle show, and landed on Million Dollar extreme.
So the good news is that I've recently given up online pornography due to how boring it all is, as well as discomfort over the growing age difference between myself and the performers.
Eh, Trump is a shitbag, but I cringe at Sarah Silverman having the ovaries to call anybody else racist when she did blackface for her stupid comedy central show. She could call David Duke racist, and she'd still be that chick who did blackface.
I'm going to go pick up Inquisition for 12 bucks and play it for the next month. Somehow, I don't think I'll ever be doing the same with Andromeda. All those character models have spooky cannibal grins.
You shut up, Dave! You shut up and eat your Haddock!
Dave clearly doesn't get why we should care about Brad's Wife.
Imagine the awkward details of that date.
Oh, spayed me your bad puns!
Aha! I'm laughing my whiskers off.
That blunt, powerful voice. That smoldering aura of violent eroticism. That smooth lion's mane of hair that you want to run your fingers through. Those huge, huge hands that are clearly indicative of his enormous penis size. Yes, he's almost too much President. Too much.
Still waiting for them to bring back The Cricket. That kid was apparently all kinds of awesome. Potentially.
Couldn't she become Nightwingette?
It's not bad, it's just lacking. It feels very rushed.
Shut up, Proto man! Tequila Gundam, or GTFO!
This is a clever bit of writing and should be seen by more people.
I mean, he's definitely an authentic Donald Trump. If he were honest, then that authenticity would be in question, since being a dishonest shithead seems part and parcel with being Donald Trump.
Y'know, Brett Ratner would say that Rotten tomatoes sucks, wouldn't he? I'd like him to list just one of these "great movies" he knows of that've gotten tomato stoned.
It's kind of a bummer how much of a black hat Felicia's become. Killing people outright and all that. Plus the various marvel writers can't seem to decide just how big of an operator she is. Here's this preview where she claims she's running the town. But if you read Powerman & Iron fist, or Gwenpool, or a few…
Speaking of Danny turning in his V-card, do you think he was slow Tai chi, hard karate, or quick kung fu? I'm thinking mushy Aikido, personally.
Diamondback was awesome. Why is everyone always punching down on Diamondback? Guy was a supervillain and he KNEW it, and he wasn't ashamed to be crazy!