
Their parents both lived to ripe old ages too. I'm off to Paris to drain Olivia of blood.

She's not dead, as far as I know. But it's weird phrasing.

He also sang on a Joey DeFrancesco album under the name Joe Doggs. It's unmistakeably him, though.

Patting him on the head a la Bob Todd was tempting, I'll admit. As was shouting "he's a baybeh!" But I think he'd have tried to stove my face in with his adorably tiny little fists.

I met Lucas years ago and he scared the shit out of me. He really is angry all the time to an almost hilarious degree.

Who killed himself.

That picture just became a little more brilliant.

When I tried selling some of my old CDs a few years ago all that got returned to me were things like fIREHOSE. I'm surprised something as mainstream as Pharcyde isn't thought to be a worthy addition to a loving home.

In tribute to the film's storytelling style Tasha suddenly drops the bombshell that Alex -a character never mentioned before- is the Shadow Warrior. Um, bravo?

I haven't seen this show and now never will. But it had Carmen Ejogo in it and she is gorgeous, so I'm slightly saddened.

@avclub-620982009915db2a0b4a49e224bad30c:disqus you're much too kind.

The lucky sods.

Spielberg hates Frank Darabont's original script.

"Hopper comes off as a psychopath with megalomaniacal delusions of drug-addled grandeur" and then he became a Republican.

Not to be confused with Manitou's Shoe, a German Wild West comedy that really wouldn't work as a double bill with The Manitou or any other film. Except perhaps Triumph Of The Will.

She's only married to one of them. You get the pick of the rest.

Caught On A Train is still brilliant. But that's now over 30 years old. It's time to stop chucking money at him to go through the same tired motions yet again.

Chiwitel Ejiofor as a jazz pianist accused of murder. Surely that could work.

It's great when a completely unheralded thriller like Sleepless Night turns up. Thanks for the heads up. Might even watch those Largo Winch films now.

But he's supposed to be a WW2 vet in The Yakuza, Warren. I agree on FML (even more on The Big Sleep).