
Drew… Barry… more! John… Hurt them! Robin… Wright this down! Charlize… There! On the… Kevin… Bake on! These a re a few of my favorite … puns they pulled off.

Yes, and did anyone else think it implicated the audience in more than just wanting horror molds, heroes and bloodbath but for having an insatiable appetite for consumer culture? Like in The Story of Stuff, the way we work meaningless jobs we hate (the lab), which leave us feeling empty so we go buy stuff we don't

Great film, great reviewer
Even-handed, appreciative of both action and philosophical depth, lyrically alliterative. And I'm not just talking about Phipps. I just watched the film again for the umpteenth time and am in awe of its power. Bless you for doing it justice with such an equally staggering review.