
I am a woman, am married to a woman, and have a number of very close female friends. I am the only one out of this group who has not been raped.

Vague spoiler:

Gawd dammit it!
what do you mean, available in US only?! Those cheap fuckers. Don't Canadians deserve to laugh? Huh? HUH!?!

Orangutank, I take umbrage wiht your misclassification. Smarties are smarties, rockets are rockets. The chocolate in Smarties is far superior to the fake dollar store chocolate flvoured powder (TM) they stick in M&Ms.

ketchup chips
are a huge hit across the border. In Canada, I mean. You yanks should also try Smarties. They'll kick your ass.

one small point…
Nathan, Brandon wasn't a "woman who lived as a man." Brandon was a [trans]guy.

ok kids, all I am trying to point out (and that "all" is not insignificant in any way) is that there seems to be the attitude lurking around this site that since we're talking about pop culture, and pop culture is misogynist (or, you know, racist or homophobic), it's okay to perpetuate misogyny. It's as if people

the feature's picture
dear AV Club Staffers,

I have to say, I am going to pretend this album does not exist. I love Josh Ritter, and while I respect his experimentation, I think this album is a major dead-end. If you have never heard him, definitely do not start here.

since we're on the subject of hate…
…can we also talk about how it has become somehow "cool" for hipsters (I'm looking at some of you who post regularly on this site) to spout misogyny? or racism? or homophobia? I don't care how fucking "ironic" you think it is, it's still not ok.

Mermaid Ave
This was hinted at above, but seriously, where is the mermaid ave collection on this list?!

Tash and Misako
you both rule. This is the best post I've read this year!

That's one of the best posts I have read in ages. English nerdery is always necessary

not quite chips…
…but Barbara's Bakery Jalapeno Cheddar Puffs are one of the most incredible snack foods ever. Them and Smarties. Smarties are Canada's trump card in world junk food.

does anyone remember….
..O'Doul's (or O'Donnell's or something O'Irish) sour cream and onion chips form the early 90's? They were as thick as irish oatmeal and had so much flavour coating they were practically green. That was a golden age in chip production, that was….and if you've never been to Western Canada, I

I doubt…
…that Coke is doing this because they are offended. They are ratcheting up a marketing campaign. Now everyone gets to hear about Coke, and jesus, and this movie, which now has a much larger audience. Come on, posters, we're too media savvy tto fall for this….

what if…
…one gets the reference but is under 35? Could one still come over and cry?

come one, people….
The only reason why this list was complied was to make money. The wankers behind it knew that it would piss off all the music snobs out there so think about this: when you are on the subway bitching about what shit this list is with your undoubtedly equally elitist music friend (of which I am one,

seriously, sarah, did you write this stuff on your lunchbreak? I'm still waiting for the funny to shine through here…