
Great to see Sharon van Etten on here. Her live show is amazing, too.

Michelle Gomez is brilliant, but WTF is up with all the John Simm hate? He's delightfully maniacal.

Love Liz!

When I started watching Classic Who, I watched it straight through, re-created missing episodes and all. Malcolm Hulke was one of the only names that genuinely popped out at me as being consistently well-written, and often great. (Despite, as you say, being stuck with almost always disastrous 6- or 7-parters. He does

Interesting to think about who might be the next showrunner, now that Moffat is coming up on equaling RTD in length of tenure…

Yeah, this thread thoroughly confused me!

I guess we can agree nobody knows what bottle episode means.

Incredible line.

Yep, this episode has a lot of cool, interesting, and thought-provoking elements—I particularly liked Psi's ability to manually delete his own memories—but doesn't really transcend them to make a more poignant statement, which, coming off the heels of 'Listen,' is slightly disappointing. It feels like an episode that

I have to say, I completely disagree. I find every shot with him in it almost magnetizing… much more so than Matt Smith's Doctor. Although I liked many Matt Smith episodes, I rarely felt like he was 900+ years old. Capaldi's Doctor feels to me much like Pertwee. Young personalities in older (human actor) bodies, which

Having not yet watched any behind the scenes videos, I'm still confused as to whether it was mostly practical effects or mostly CGI. So that's pretty great.

Wait, are you serious? He's clearly referring to the campiness as being cranked up to 11, not the volume.