
It's not Swedish, but fun fact: if you do watch that video from a Swedish viewpoint it's mostly just gibberish, but he repeatedly uses a word that sound very similar to the Swedish "bög", which means gay/homosexual. So yeah, he's rambling to a kid with a mix of crazy talk and calling him gay.

Okay, so that was fantastic. As a Swede I haven't read a lot of Shakespeare in school (I did read a lot _about_ him though), and what I am familiar with is basically limited to Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet, the latter of which is the only one of his plays that I have actually seen staged.

I don't watch Dexter, but I've seen a few random episodes over the years, so I know what it's about, but I've read the reviews for these last episodes, and they have been hilarious. Thank you.

Yeah. I'm not gonna say too much about Thor because it was years since I saw it, but I generally want my female characters to do something other than wanting to rip the clothes off the male character. I just want Portman's character in Thor 2 to be badass in her own right and not utterly dependent on being saved and

I thought the trailer looked great. And then I heard Chris Eccleston's voice and got really excited! I just hope that Natalie Portman (whom I usually love) will get more to to other than being the cute damsel in distress.

Web developer at a small company in Gothenburg, Sweden. This is the first week back from a month of vacation and I am alone at the office the entire week, so I've set up speakers (alternating between music and podcasts) and dragged a footstool to my computer. Feels like when I was a kid and was home alone.

Prepare for some swedish hiphop and punk.

Agreed, he improved every episode he was in, just by speaking. :)

That was, in fact, not Charles Dance, but fellow englishman Julian Sands!

In addition to playing Zod, he was also one of the better parts of Smallville, as the voice of Jor-El.

I was all ceremonial while reading my last feeds ever on Google Reader, and then this article came up. THIS WAS NOT WHAT I NEEDED!

Keeping up with TV Club Classic for my first time through Freaks and Geeks.
Quite simply, loved the episode. And great write-up by Todd.

Fuck The Killing.