
It's the only way she knows how to be.

Funny, yes, extremely so. Brutal, yes, and… realistically brutal, which is the problem. Some things, like Dot's "got to go, someone new is bleeding", managed to be raw yet
funny. The Flag 5 crashing on Arthur's father, great. And the Terror
taking Arthur's ice cream (and littering) to top things off… that was

The whole line, "the most common problem that afflicts historical dramas of this sort: It isn’t really about anything" really ticked me off. it's about the significant historical event - even without some of the things Richard describes, that ought to be enough. Not every movie must be a character study.

I was surprised there too… I'd assumed, since they had previously shown quite clearly that the Kingsmen didn't kill unnecessarily, that the proper response to an order to kill unnecessarily would be "no". But I reasoned that, in the case of an order to kill a specific target, they didn't want their agents to be

Hear, hear. My wife and I watched it, and we haven't laughed so hard in a long time. We both loved it.
Let me just add that, while the movie is over-the-top violent, it is absolutely NOT gory. Not at all. This is the "clean" bloodless violence of the old days, just with a much higher, and more gleeful, body count.

Re: TV Club Format
Not directly related to The Originals, but is there any way I can select a set of shows to follow and just view their updates (as in "My TV Club" from before the redesign)? Sifting through 90% chaff (IMO) to look for reviews of the shows I watch is… frustrating.
Obviously I'd have preferred a general

"But they don’t come close to piercing each other's skin"

Exactly this. She's simply too fantastic at everything; I felt she worked better as an awesome hacker and planner whose utter ruthlessness allowed her to succeed in ways most could not… but her ninja skills are unearned and unnecessary. Coming soon: Root beats the shit out of Reese.

And, at those points, the consequences of him not hurting or killing those people would be… what, exactly? His death, in at least one case. These situations, more than once, were deliberately set up to force him into using force in self-defence, because all help and escape were carefully removed from him. If by

I know nothing about this, but I was wondering what judge the NSA would go to for approval of the extension of their warrant.  Is it always a federal judge?  Or could it be, for instance, the Chief Justice of the supreme court in which the activity covered by the warrant will be performed?

I like to think Reese didn't kill him, but turned him into a tool to use against Elias in the inevitable showdown that will come.  He's a hitman who apparently isn't in Elias' pocket, and it's possible that Elias doesn't know about his ignoring the edict about the bounty.  Our team does develop additional resources in

I like to think Reese didn't kill him, but turned him into a tool to use against Elias in the inevitable showdown that will come.  He's a hitman who apparently isn't in Elias' pocket, and it's possible that Elias doesn't know about his ignoring the edict about the bounty.  Our team does develop additional resources in

The best part was the speed with which the fight began - Reese was barely inside before the noises, and then the thug, start flying out.  There was just never any doubt in anyone's minds what would happen, and no time wasted getting there.

The best part was the speed with which the fight began - Reese was barely inside before the noises, and then the thug, start flying out.  There was just never any doubt in anyone's minds what would happen, and no time wasted getting there.

Exactly - it didn't matter at all whether Alicia was somehow conscious or not.  She was like "Wilson" in Cast Away - "her" loss is all about Correy's tragedy.
Though I hadn't thought of the irony, that Correy is returning to everybody, except the one that matters most to him - isolation in crowds.  Nice.