
Anybody read the manga? 100x crazier.

Forgot about that line — I didn't know it when I first watched it, but Leaping Lanny is Randy Savage's brother.



I was hoping they'd do more with Obama in this episode, like maybe he defects to the "native" Hawaiians or something.

I was hoping they'd do more with Obama in this episode, like maybe he defects to the "native" Hawaiians or something.

Nabin has been promoting Alkaholizm for a while now:

Nabin has been promoting Alkaholizm for a while now:

That is one freakishly long neck.

Gotta give a shout-out to Chris Sims here.  He covers FW's and Crankshaft's most depressing strips each month.  Here's the latest:

I was hoping for some sort of interaction between naked Lana and naked Cheryl, but no dice.

I'm Irish-American, and I had no idea about this orange thing.  However, I'm a lapsed Catholic liberal from the west coast, so I have an excuse.

I try to keep up with this show, so I don't think I missed this: does Jeff know that Roger is an alien, or does he think that Roger is just some weird cousin?

I thought it was to give Portman's character a friend in her age group to show that she's not an unlikable super-nerd.

He vaguely reminds me of CM Punk.

The sexy female comedian is not the issue here!

Yes, but at least in Mexico you get to be with your amigos again.



I imagine Dr. Zoidberg saying it.