Steve Charb

It's simple, Fluttershy. Tolerance and love: this is the future liberals want.

"In which Bashir falls for Pygmalion…"
Pygmalion was the sculptor, so Bashir is the Pygmalion of this scenario. "In which Bashir falls for Galatea" would be accurate.


The Defiant is a Valiant-class ship. The Valiant is a Defiant-class ship.
The differences between the two classes are very subtle.

"City on the Edge of Forever" is a masterpiece that speaks for itself. There's plenty more where it came from. There are about two dozen other episodes from across the other series I could recommend, such as TNG: "Darmok" and DS9: "Nor the Battle to the Strong".

For twelve years, you have been asking: Who is John Kasich? This is John Kasich speaking. I am the man who loves his life. I am the man who does not sacrifice his love or his values. I am the man who has deprived you of victims and thus has destroyed your world, and if you wish to know why you are perishing–– you who

It's a little jarring how different his voice is from Kevin's, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. Crow's voice has sounded about the same across Trace, Bill, and now Hampton, but Servo's voice is all over the place from Josh to Kevin to Baron.

Your friend brought the dog to your house, or you went to his house and asked him to put the dog out?

Paul, you is a wurwelf!

You can shit on it all you want. It was a blockbuster, it got 70% on RT, and it was all around the second best entry in the franchise.

I like that they did this. The screenplay makes references to all three previous installments and integrates them with varying degrees of subtlety throughout the film, while bringing plenty of its own in terms of memorable shots.

Can we replace the Hayden Christensen-Anakin Force ghost at the end of RotJ with a Jake Lloyd-Anakin Force ghost, please and thank you?

Either they would have had to brighten things up, make Bob about 80% less of a jerkass, or risk traumatizing kids. Those episodes were pretty dark, for kids' fare.

Oh, that's good.
Picture three college kids and three middle-aged adults of the 2030's seated around the table speaking the latest techno-gibberish. Jeff, balding, with white hair, responds to a gibberish word by mentioning he thinks he saw that on TV once. The "Annie" of the group asks what TV is, to a chorus of

If they set it up, it's not a deus ex machina.

This episode's fight choreography had Avatar-style trench warfare.
(It's a lot easier and quicker when you don't need shovels!)
Nearly as awesome as the WWII-style naval/aerial battle towards the end of "Air".