Built For Greed

Admit it, you were just looking for a reason.

Eh, so's Armageddon.

You know, every time I get angry reading the comments here that automatically presume Depp's guilt, I remember the other 99% of commenters on other entertainment websites painting Amber Heard as a lying, gold-digging whore without knowing anything either.

Was it *really* worth your dignity to make an article out of this?

"When is X-Files?" is so delightfully stupid.

Sounds pretty embarrassing. Like, who the fuck would go on The View?

The book is always worth reading, series or no.

"Jimmies cost extra…but the justice is free." BLAM

I'm actually looking forward to this. Secret shame: I've read the book a few times, but I've never watched the original series all the way through. (I would never tell my mom this, she would beat the beige off me.) But at least I can take in this new version fresh.

But The Simpsons will probably still be running.

I would add The Beatles' "Tomorrow Never Knows" to one of the various Mad Men soundtrack compilations, assuming licensing fees were no object. Pivotal moment.

*random guy nods as if Oliver's making sense*

I'm not even watching anymore. Haven't been for weeks. This show is really played. Which is sad, because season 2 was the best single season of any superhero show to date. I checked in briefly last night because Arrow finales usually step the game up a notch. Same tired flashbacks, same repetitively choreographed

The great Jay Leno? What happened to the usual one?

Thirty seconds of extra thought would not have been enough for her.

The writers just took a dump on our heads. Seriously.

Go Lightning!

Hope Jon Foo gets another gig. He's Russell Wong-level handsome, that's some serious shit.

Is that extra "e" intentional, because if so, bravo.

I thought Brody's insistence on growing a fro was a particularly bad choice.